Section 2: Magento UI (7%) Previous Section | Next Section Section 2: Magento UI (7%) 2.1 Demonstrate understanding UiComponents architecture UiComponent workflow, initialization, execution, configuration structure, data loading process Retrieving a UiComponent's instance from the uiRegistry Understand the difference between executing a data provider component and loading data Describe the role of UiComponent PHP classes Understand the uiClass instance, extending uiComponent 2.2 Demonstrate advanced use of Magento layouts Non-standard layouts, custom handles, debugging layouts Add a custom handle, obtain a list of handles loaded for a page Obtain the layout XML for a page Containers elements with a wrapping DIV tag Dynamically modify the layout tree 2.3 Demonstrate an ability to operate with Magento blocks and templates Block caching, fallback debugging, email templates, translations Cache all instances of the block, specific instance Assign an object to the email template. Render different images depending on a locale in the email template Identify the location of block instantiation Print out all places where Magento looks for a template Demonstrate an understanding of different types of translations working together (inline, phrase in JavaScript code, CSV file)