I apologize for my extreme lack of attention to this repository since it was created. I see that several users have forked this gem and applied updates. I'd be interested in giving access to this main repository for any interested in maintaining it and/or adding features. Please contact me if you are interested at steph at endpoint dot com.
Plugin functionality to add generic import to Rails Admin interface
First, add to Gemfile:
gem "rails_admin_import"
Next, mount in your application by adding following line to your config/routes.rb:
mount RailsAdminImport::Engine => '/rails_admin_import', :as => 'rails_admin_import'
If you are using cancan, add to ability.rb to specify which models can be imported:
can :import, [User, Model1, Model2]
Define configuration in config/initializers/rails_admin_import.rb:
RailsAdminImport.config do |config| config.model User do excluded_fields do [:field1, :field2, :field3] end label :name extra_fields do [:field3, :field4, :field5] end end end
(Optional) Define instance methods to be hooked into the import process, if special/additional processing is required on the data:
# some model def before_import_save(row, map) # Your custom special sauce end def after_import_save(row, map) # Your custom special sauce end
"import" action must be added inside config.actions block in main application RailsAdmin configuration: config/initializers/rails_admin.rb.
config.actions do ... import ... end
Refer to RailAdmin documentation on custom actions that must be present in this block.
TODO: Right now, import doesn't work for fields ending in s, because inflector fails in models ending in s singularly. Belongs_to and many mapping needs to be updated to use klasses instead of symbols
- Testing
Copyright (c) 2014 End Point & Steph Skardal. See LICENSE.txt for further details.