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Unusual Helium 0.2.1 Performance Results

dfarrell07 edited this page Dec 8, 2014 · 2 revisions

Test 1


Interesting failure behavior. When running in exactly the same environment as the one used to gather Results 0, but with 128 switches instead of 64, ODL drops to very low CPU usage, CBench pegs at 100% and CBench consistently reports 0 flows/second. There are no CBench msgbuf errors, just "successful" runs with 0 flows/sec results. RAM usage increases in an interesting way, as shown on the graph below.

This seems like either an issue with ODL or CBench (I suspect ODL).

Restarting CBench (ctrl+c; ./ -l) puts the system back in the same state. That supports the hypothesis that it's an ODL issue.

Test Details



CBench average flows/second results are normal for a while, then drop to 0 and stay there. RAM uses increases in a step-wise way over time. CPU usage for ODL drops to ~5%, while CBench pegs at 100% (it's single-threaded).

ODL and CBench CPU usage for Results 1


Graph of average flows per second and used RAM


[~/wcbench]$ ./ -S                                                                                                                                  13:32:39
{'fifteen_load': {'max': 6,
                  'mean': 2.399,
                  'min': 0,
                  'relstddev': 89.412,
                  'stddev': 2.145},
 'five_load': {'max': 7,
               'mean': 2.393,
               'min': 0,
               'relstddev': 92.603,
               'stddev': 2.216},
 'flows': {'max': 11752,
           'mean': 2023.489,
           'min': 0,
           'relstddev': 172.08,
           'stddev': 3482.021},
 'iowait': {'max': 0, 'mean': 0.0, 'min': 0, 'relstddev': 0.0, 'stddev': 0.0},
 'max_flows': {'max': 13922,
               'mean': 2424.112,
               'min': 0,
               'relstddev': 172.123,
               'stddev': 4172.444},
 'min_flows': {'max': 8736,
               'mean': 1373.421,
               'min': 0,
               'relstddev': 174.74,
               'stddev': 2399.915},
 'one_load': {'max': 8,
              'mean': 2.356,
              'min': 0,
              'relstddev': 96.18,
              'stddev': 2.266},
 'runtime': {'max': 103,
             'mean': 101.164,
             'min': 101,
             'relstddev': 0.37,
             'stddev': 0.374},
 'sample_size': 652,
 'steal_time': {'max': 0,
                'mean': 0.0,
                'min': 0,
                'relstddev': 0.0,
                'stddev': 0.0},
 'used_ram': {'max': 3904,
              'mean': 3509.695,
              'min': 3259,
              'relstddev': 5.438,
              'stddev': 190.87}}

Raw Results

Raw results can be found here.