This is a Kotlin API Wrapper SDK for the Go to the website to get your apiKey. This can be used for both Android and regular Java/Kotlin projects.
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.dfloureiro:news-api-kotlin:v2.1'
Add the dependency:
Create an instance of NewsApi:
val newsApiRepository = NewsApiRepository("myApiKey")
Get top headlines by category/country/query:
newsApiRepository.getTopHeadlines(category = Category.GENERAL, country = Country.US, q = "trump", pageSize = 20, page = 1)
.flatMapIterable { articles -> articles.articles }
.subscribe({ article -> Log.d("getTopHead CC article", article.title) },
{ t -> Log.d("getTopHeadlines error", t.message) })
Get top headlines by sources/query:
newsApiRepository.getTopHeadlines(sources = "bbc-news", q = "trump", pageSize = 20, page = 1)
.flatMapIterable { articles -> articles.articles }
.subscribe({ article -> Log.d("getTopHead S article", article.title) },
{ t -> Log.d("getTopHeadlines error", t.message) })
Search articles from the full repo with everything:
newsApiRepository.getEverything(q = "bitcoin", sources = "bbc-news", domains = null, from = "2018-01-01", to = "2018-02-13", language = Language.EN, sortBy = SortBy.POPULARITY, pageSize = 20, page = 1)
.flatMapIterable { articles -> articles.articles }
.subscribe({ article -> Log.d("getEverything article", article.title) },
{ t -> Log.d("getEverything error", t.message) })
Get available sources:
newsApiRepository.getSources(category = Category.GENERAL, language = Language.EN, country = Country.US)
.flatMapIterable { sources -> sources.sources }
.subscribe({ source -> Log.d("source", },
{ t -> Log.d("getSources error", t.message) })