Takes in video, calculates a NeRF using nerfstudio, and generates novel view videos.
- setup.sh : shell script to test setup and to pull Docker image
- Problem_1.py : Python script to train NeRF from video
- Problem_2.py : Python script to use a NeRF to generate novel view video
- Problem_3.py : Python script to re-train a NeRF adding text instruction editing
- Run_All_Notebook.ipynb : Jupyter notebook to optionally run problems
- launch_docker.sh : convenient shell script to launch Docker with custom path mount
(Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
The CUDA runtime is baked into the Docker image and should not be required on the host machine.
Docker Desktop allows for multiple contex and launching Docker through a remote machine. These multiple context will cause errors when requiring local admin privileges (through sudo
) to enable local GPU access.
This repo requires use of NeRF Studio through Docker image. It will not work with NeRF Studio pulled from another source.
docker pull dromni/nerfstudio:0.2.1
- Ubuntu OS:
- Linux 20.04 LTS
- Kernal: 5.15.0-69-generic
- Nvidia Hardware + Drivers
- GeForce RTX 2060
- CUDA Compute Capability: 7.5
- CUDA arch: 75
- NVIDIA Drivers: 530.30.02
- GCC: 9.4.0
- CUDA: 11.8.0-520.61.05-1
- Docker
- Docker: 23.0.6, build ef23cbc
- Docker Engine: 23.0.6
- Docker Compose: v2.17.3