An aggregation application for SOCs (Security Operation Center) management
WARNING: This is just a proof of concept, not suitable for real use yet!
- lsb-release
- python deps:
- pika: Python AMQP Client Library
- simplejson: JSON encoder/decoder for Python
- yaml: YAML parser and emitter for Python
- fabric: Simple Pythonic remote deployment tool
- psutil: module providing convenience functions for managing processes
- geoip: GeoIP IP-to-country resolver library
- rabbitmq-server
- mongo database server
- python deps: + pika: Python AMQP Client Library + simplejson: JSON encoder/decoder for Python + yaml: YAML parser and emitter for Python + pymongo: Python interface to the MongoDB document-oriented database
- bootstrap css (online)
- mongodb: mongo database engine for php
- php5 + apache2:
- apt-get install php5 apache2 php5-dev php-pear
- pecl install mongo
- php.ini -> Dynamic extensions: add ""