I am a 23 year veteran of Microsoft working in the Office 365 Messaging space for large global customers. Created of (OAB) Offline Address List and OabInteg.
I’m currently working on two 🔥 projects:
PSFramework -To learn more about this AMAZING framework you can visit PSFramework.org or visit this project here on GitHub.
PSServicePrincipal - If you are in the Office 365 Exchange space and you need a quick way to automate onboarding for certificate based authentication this module will take you about 2 minutes to create your certs (install to local cert stores and upload of your cert to your azure app), create your azure enterprise application,apply the correct permissions, etc. Download from PSGallery and github.
I love programming in PowerShell and C#. In my spare time I enjoy playing sports and spending time with my son getting whooped on the Xbox. Follow me online and if you would like to share some ideas or collaborate, let's do it! ⚡