This is my first Ludum Dare entry ever and even though I didn't get as far as I wanted, I'm pretty happy overall.
Scenario: The power of the world is running out--literally! The facility's power has sprouted legs and running away--it needs your help to escape its enslavement.
- Move Left: A
- Move Right: D
- Jump: W
- Killing: Touching enemies kills them, not you.
- Dying: Look out--enemies will syphon you away with un-guns if you stand in front of them!
- You only have to play one level.
- Enemies are dumb enough to kill.
- All enemies look exactly alike so they're easy to remember.
- No tedious loading screen--play immediately!
- Times New Roman message at the end--really classy.
- Sounds (in real, honest to goodness mono! probably).
- Dope pixel art (though no pixel art of dope).
- Enemies flash when they die.
- No lame music. No music at all, but hey, at least it isn't lame!
- No frameworks / from scratch (Pure [TypeScript->]Javascript + Canvas)
- Glorious high definition graphics lovingly crafted in MS Paint
- Sound effects using Bfxr
- Cross platform (i hope?)
- Stream of consciousness pile of code mess made kindly available on the interwebz via github.
- Comes with free bugs
- Added one commit slightly after 6 which "fixed" an audio-related bug which would cause jump sounds to not play sometimes / as often.
- Fixed (fingers crossed) bug where enemies would be invisible on first page load.
Based on some time lapse snapshots I captured, looks like I was actively working at my computer for just about ~20 hours. :)