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dgrtwo committed Jul 14, 2021
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```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

## ID and response

* 'id': unique identifier for the customer
* 'attrition_flag': whether the customer is churned (0 = no; 1 = yes)

## Categorical

* 'gender': gender of the customer
* 'education_level': education level of the customer
* 'income_category': income range of the customer

# Numeric

* 'total_relationship_count': number of relationships
* 'months_inactive_12_mon': number of months the customer is inactive in the past 12 months
* 'credit_limit': the customer's credit limit
* 'total_revolving_bal': the customer's total revolving balance
* 'total_amt_chng_q4_q1': the amount the balance changed from Q4 to Q1
* 'total_trans_amt': the value of all the customer's transactions in the period
* 'total_trans_ct': the number of all of the customer's transactions
* 'total_ct_chng_q4_q1': the difference in number of the customer's transactions from Q4 to Q1
* 'avg_utilization_ratio': the customer's average utilization ratio during the period


* change attrition flag to "churned" yes/no
* create summarize_churn function early on
* for linear, log on credit limit (maybe others?)
* Lot of numeric, so xgboost early on
* Try turning income category and education level into ordinal numbers (unknown as either 0 or as mean impute)


* Density of all numeric, comparing attrition and not
* AUC of attrition vs all predictors

* Relationship between relationships/months inactive (line plot)
* Credit limit, age, total revolving balance, total amt change, (density plot or bucketed line plot)
* gender, Education + income and churn (bar plot)
* Total relationships and churn (line plot)

doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = 4)

education_levels <- c("Unknown", "Uneducated", "High School", "College", "Graduate", "Doctorate", "Post-Graduate")

process_data <- function(tbl) {
tbl %>%
mutate(education_level = fct_relevel(education_level, education_levels),
income_category = fct_reorder(income_category, parse_number(income_category)),
income_category = fct_relevel(income_category, "Less than $40K"))

dataset <- read_csv("~/Downloads/sliced-s01e07-HmPsw2/train.csv") %>%
mutate(churned = factor(ifelse(attrition_flag == 1, "yes", "no"))) %>%
select(-attrition_flag) %>%
holdout <- read_csv("~/Downloads/sliced-s01e07-HmPsw2/test.csv") %>%
spl <- initial_split(dataset)
train <- training(spl)
test <- testing(spl)
train_5fold <- train %>%

summarize_churn <- function(tbl) {
tbl %>%
summarize(n = n(),
n_churned = sum(churned == "yes"),
pct_churned = n_churned / n,
low = qbeta(.025, n_churned + .5, n - n_churned + .5),
high = qbeta(.975, n_churned + .5, n - n_churned + .5)) %>%
plot_categorical <- function(tbl, category, ...) {
if (!is.factor(pull(tbl, {{ category }}))) {
tbl <- tbl %>%
mutate({{ category }} := fct_reorder({{ category }}, pct_churned))
tbl %>%
ggplot(aes(pct_churned, {{ category }}, ...)) +
geom_col(position = position_dodge()) +
geom_errorbarh(position = position_dodge(width = 1), aes(xmin = low, xmax = high), height = .2) +
scale_x_continuous(labels = percent) +
labs(x = "% in category that churned")
train %>%
group_by(gender) %>%
summarize_churn() %>%
train %>%
group_by(education_level, gender) %>%
summarize_churn() %>%
plot_categorical(education_level, fill = gender, group = gender)
train %>%
group_by(education_level) %>%
summarize_churn() %>%
plot_categorical(education_level) +
coord_flip() +
labs(x = "% churned",
y = "Education",
title = "How does churn risk differ by education")
train %>%
group_by(income_category) %>%
summarize_churn() %>%
plot_categorical(income_category) +
coord_flip() +
labs(x = "% churned",
y = "Income category",
title = "How does churn risk differ by income category")
train %>%
group_by(age = cut(customer_age, c(20, 40, 50, 60, 70))) %>%
summarize_churn() %>%
plot_categorical(age) +

Let's look at all numerics!

gathered <- train %>%
select(customer_age, total_relationship_count:churned) %>%
gather(metric, value, -churned) %>%
mutate(churned = str_to_title(churned))
gathered %>%
ggplot(aes(value, fill = churned)) +
geom_density(alpha = .5) +
facet_wrap(~ metric, scales = "free") +
scale_x_log10() +
labs(title = "How do numeric metrics differ between churn/didn't churn?",
subtitle = "All predictors on a log scale",
x = "Log(predictor)",
fill = "Churned?")
gathered %>%
group_by(metric) %>%
mutate(rank = percent_rank(value)) %>%
ggplot(aes(rank, fill = churned)) +
geom_density(alpha = .5) +
facet_wrap(~ metric, scales = "free") +
labs(title = "How do numeric metrics differ between churn/didn't churn?",
subtitle = "All predictors on a percentile scale",
x = "Percentile of predictor",
fill = "Churned?")

Let's start building models!

XGBoost on ones that are clearly predictive or low cardinality.

mset <- metric_set(mn_log_loss)
control <- control_grid(save_workflow = TRUE,
save_pred = TRUE,
extract = extract_model)

Trained a model on all the variables, with income and education turned into ordinal variables and "unknown" imputed to the mean (revisit that choice).

# Let's try 10-fold CV
train_10fold <- train %>%
factor_to_ordinal <- function(x) {
ifelse(x == "Unknown", NA, as.integer(x))

# Try all numeric, and turn categorical into ordinal
xg_rec <- recipe(churned ~ .,
data = train) %>%
step_mutate(avg_transaction_amt = total_trans_amt / total_trans_ct) %>%
step_mutate(income_category = factor_to_ordinal(income_category),
education_level = factor_to_ordinal(education_level)) %>%
step_impute_mean(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>%
step_rm(id) %>%
# For now, remove the formerly categorical ones (low importance)
step_rm(income_category, education_level)
xg_wf <- workflow(xg_rec,
trees = tune(),
mtry = tune(),
tree_depth = tune(),
learn_rate = tune()))
# Trying out tree depth
xg_tune <- xg_wf %>%
metrics = mset,
control = control,
grid = crossing(trees = seq(400, 1300, 20),
mtry = c(2, 3),
tree_depth = c(5),
learn_rate = c(.018, .02)))
xg_tune %>%
collect_metrics() %>%

Next model: try removing total_trans_amt (now that we have avg_transaction_amt)

xg_fit <- xg_wf %>%
finalize_workflow(select_best(xg_tune)) %>%
xg_fit %>%
augment(test, type.predict = "prob") %>%
mn_log_loss(churned, .pred_no)
importances <- xgboost::xgb.importance(model = extract_fit_engine(xg_fit))
importances %>%
mutate(Feature = fct_reorder(Feature, Gain)) %>%
ggplot(aes(Gain, Feature)) +

Training our first xgboost model! A few selected predictors, mostly numeric.

CV log loss on:

* selected ~7 predictors is about .11
* Adding in rest of predictors, around .087
* Removing the (formerly) categorical ones, .0853
* Adding in average transaction amount: 0.085 (on holdout 0.0849)

Everything except education + income, added average transaction amount, mtry = 3, 780 trees, learn rate = .02

Attempt 2:

* Everything except education + income, added average transaction amount, mtry = 3, 1040 trees, learn rate = .02, tree depth = 5. On test set, .0835.

xg_fit_full <- xg_wf %>%
finalize_workflow(select_best(xg_tune)) %>%
# Last check before out the door
xgboost::xgb.importance(model = extract_fit_engine(xg_fit_full))
xg_fit_full %>%
augment(holdout) %>%
select(id, attrition_flag = .pred_yes) %>%

Plan for second hour: more tuning on learn rate and max depth, and more EDA while that trains.

Soon, will do an variable importance plot on the full prediction.



1 comment on commit 19f8c0c

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@dgrtwo dgrtwo commented on 19f8c0c Jul 18, 2021

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Good question- I’m using the development (GitHub) version of the workflows package! As of just this week, workflow() can take arguments for recipe and model.

You can install the dev version with:


For the second one, I'm sorry but I don't recognize the issue 😦 . Is it possible you overwrote the test at some point? It had been set up as test <- testing(spl).

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