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dgtlntv committed Apr 29, 2024
1 parent c37ffab commit bc9bc03
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Showing 491 changed files with 136 additions and 23,647 deletions.
84 changes: 0 additions & 84 deletions vanilla/side-navigation.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
- heading: Welcome
- title: Get started
url: /docs
- title: Building with Vanilla
url: /docs/building-vanilla
- title: Customising Vanilla
url: /docs/customising-vanilla
- title: What's new in {version}
url: /docs/whats-new
- title: Migrating to v4
url: /docs/migration-guide-to-v4
- heading: Base elements
- title: Code
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,50 +94,6 @@
url: /docs/components/tabs
- title: Tooltips
url: /docs/components/tooltips
- heading: Utilities
- title: Align
url: /docs/utilities/align
- title: Baseline grid
url: /docs/utilities/baseline-grid
- title: Clearfix
url: /docs/utilities/clearfix
- title: Embedded media
url: /docs/utilities/embedded-media
- title: Equal height
url: /docs/utilities/equal-height
- title: Floats
url: /docs/utilities/floats
- title: Font metrics
url: /docs/utilities/font-metrics
- title: Functions
url: /docs/utilities/functions
- title: Hide
url: /docs/utilities/hide
- title: Image position
url: /docs/utilities/image-position
- title: Margin collapse
url: /docs/utilities/margin-collapse
- title: No print
url: /docs/utilities/no-print
- title: Off-screen
url: /docs/utilities/off-screen
- title: Padding collapse
url: /docs/utilities/padding-collapse
- title: Table cell padding overlap
url: /docs/utilities/table-cell-padding-overlap
- title: Text max width
url: /docs/utilities/text-max-width
- title: Text with icon
url: /docs/utilities/has-icon
- title: Truncation
url: /docs/utilities/truncate
- title: Show
url: /docs/utilities/show
- title: Vertical spacing
url: /docs/utilities/vertical-spacing
- title: Vertically center
url: /docs/utilities/vertically-center
- heading: Layouts
- title: Application
Expand All @@ -164,31 +108,3 @@
url: /docs/layouts/full-width
- title: Sticky footer
url: /docs/layouts/sticky-footer
- heading: Settings
- title: Animations
url: /docs/settings/animation-settings
- title: Assets
url: /docs/settings/assets-settings
- title: Breakpoints
url: /docs/settings/breakpoint-settings
- title: Color
url: /docs/settings/color-settings
- title: Font
url: /docs/settings/font-settings
- title: Layout
url: /docs/settings/layout-settings
- title: Placeholders
url: /docs/settings/placeholder-settings
- title: Spacing
url: /docs/settings/spacing-settings
- title: Table layout
url: /docs/settings/table-layout
- heading: Resources
- title: Component examples
url: /docs/examples
- title: Release notes for {version}
- title: Download Sketch UI Kit
175 changes: 136 additions & 39 deletions vanilla/templates/_layouts/_root.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,76 +2,173 @@
<html lang="en">
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<script>VANILLA_VERSION = "{{ version }}";</script>
VANILLA_VERSION = '{{ version }}';

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<title>{% block title %}{{ title }}{% endblock %}{% if self.title() %} | {% endif %}Vanilla documentation</title>
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" />
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<!-- Add to homescreen for Chrome on Android -->
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<meta name="application-name" content="Vanilla Framework">
<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
<meta name="application-name" content="Vanilla Framework" />
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<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent">
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<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="Vanilla Framework" />
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{% if self.description() %}
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function g(b, d) {
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h = document,
j = b,
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l = 'load',
k = 0;
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function b() {
a.w = 1;
c[j] = function () {
function m() { = e;
return c[j].apply(m, arguments);
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e = ++k;
b = this && this != i ? || 0 : 0;
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m.then = function (b, c, h) {
var d = (a.fh[e] = a.fh[e] || []),
j = ([e] =[e] || []),
f = ([e] =[e] || []);
b && d.push(b);
c && j.push(c);
h && f.push(h);
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i.addEventListener ? i.addEventListener(l, b, !1) : i.attachEvent('on' + l, b);
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function b() {
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f[i] = p + 'd.write("' + b().replace(/"/g, String.fromCharCode(92) + '"') + '");d.close();';
a.l && setTimeout(q, 0);
c[b].lv = '1';
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var o = 'lightningjs',
k = (window[o] = g(o));
k.require = g;
k.modules = c;
window.usabilla_live = lightningjs.require('usabilla_live', '//');
<!-- end usabilla live embed code -->

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