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Set of functions to semi-automatically build and test Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models in R in parallel.


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29 JAN 2018


The goal of functions in this repo is to semi automatically build Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models on the basis of a set of declared variables. If the available data is time series, lagging and differencing is possible.

1. Short description of the functions

  1. ols: Function allows building one OLS model and performs statistical tests.
  2. ols_summary: Function allows building multiple OLS models and lets the user parallelization of computations (if required).
  3. ncomb: Allows all possible combinations of a set of variables (including the ones after differencing).
  4. lags: Allows lagging variables.
  5. difs: Allows differencing variables.
  6. PRESS: Computes PRESS statistic required to calculate predicted R-squared.
  7. pred_r_squared: Computes predicted R-squared.

2. Tutorial

This tutorial will teach you how to use above mentioned functions. After getting through below given examples, you'll be able to:

  1. Build one regression model and test it.
  2. Visualize histogram of errors.
  3. Obtaining additional statistic: predicted R-squared.
  4. Difference and lag selected variables.
  5. Build multiple regression models and test them.
  6. Use parallelization while building multiple models.
  7. Decide if utilizing parallelization actually shortens computation time.

2.0 Required packages

Before starting our tutorial, a few packages should be installed a priori:


2.1 Our first regression model

Firstly, let's read the data. We will take advantage of EuStockMarkets from library datasets:


Let's take a look at a couple of rows:

1628.75 1678.1 1772.8 2443.6
1613.63 1688.5 1750.5 2460.2
1606.51 1678.6 1718.0 2448.2
1621.04 1684.1 1708.1 2470.4
1618.16 1686.6 1723.1 2484.7
1610.61 1671.6 1714.3 2466.8

The data set consists of 4 time series - stock indexes. In order to build our first OLS models, we can use the function ols:

model1 <- ols(dset = EuStockMarkets,
              target = "DAX",
              vars = "SMI CAC FTSE")

The first argument, dset, is the data set we want to use. target is our target variable; vars is a string containing variable names separated by single blanks (spaces). Let’s take a look at names of consecutive elements of model1:

## [1] "stats"            "var.stats"        "plot"            
## [4] "output.residuals" "time.plot"

We can see that the object consists of 5 elements. We will start our analysis with the first one, stats:

target vars R2 adjusted.R2 RMSE AIC BIC F.stat F.p.value bp.stat bp.p.value bg.stat bg.p.value reset.stat reset.p.value ad.stat ad.p.value sw.stat sw.p.value chow.stat chow.p.value significance max.p.value max.vif tests n equation
DAX SMI CAC FTSE 0.9898478 0.9898314 803.3033 22749.55 22777.19 60320.47 0 243.397 0 1803.221 0 47.01741 0 10.44616 0 0.9862875 0 144.7465 0 TRUE 0.4103735 100.8572 TRUE 1860 (Intercept)(-175.945668313583)+SMI(0.49277225460085)+CAC*(0.495653787472762)+FTSE*(-0.0172026329222922)

The output presents a flat table, showing the target variable, the independent variables, statistics representing the model quality (R-Squared, adjusted R-Squared, RMSE) and some statistical tests:

  1. AIC: Akaike Information Criterion comparable between different models; the smaller the AIC, the better the fit.
  2. BIC: Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion comparable between different models; the smaller the AIC, the better the fit. BIC is more restrictive than AIC: it penalizes more heavily models with greater number of parameters.
  3. F: significance test of all variables in the model.
  4. bp: Breusch-Pagan heteroscedasticity test.
  5. bg: Breusch-Godfrey autocorrelation test.
  6. reset: RESET specification test (informs whether the linear model can be applied for such target and independent variables).
  7. ad: Anderson-Darling normality of error term test.
  8. sw: Shapiro-Wilk normality of error term test (for small samples, n<20).
  9. chow: Chow test checking stability of coefficients in time.
  10. max.vif: Maximum VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) in the model.
  11. significance: point out whether all variable in a model are statistically significant at determined level (by default: 5%).
  12. max.p.value: shows the p.value of the least significant variable. 11. 11. tests: column informs whether the model complies with tests from points 2-7.
  13. n: number of observations, on which the model was built. The last column shows the equation of a given regression.

Last but not least, the column equation presents model equation.

The table var.stats show statistics of regressors:

var coef p.value vif
(Intercept) -175.9456683 0.0000848 NA
SMI 0.4927723 0.0000000 100.85721
CAC 0.4956538 0.0000000 12.47012
FTSE -0.0172026 0.4103735 64.68514

The consecutive columns shows variable names, their coefficients, p.values and VIFs. We can see that VIFs of SMI and FTSE are way beyond 10 (one of many literature threshold for this indicator). We will cope with this problem later.

The default p-value for the regression is alpha = 0.05. This parameter can also be changed:

model1 <- ols(dset = EuStockMarkets,
              target = "DAX",
              vars = "SMI CAC FTSE",
              alpha = 0.1)
## $var.stats
##                     var          coef       p.value       vif
## (Intercept) (Intercept) -175.94566831  8.479065e-05        NA
## SMI                 SMI    0.49277225 9.020895e-181 100.85721
## CAC                 CAC    0.49565379 2.999041e-180  12.47012
## FTSE               FTSE   -0.01720263  4.103735e-01  64.68514

As mentioned above, multicollinearity was observed. In order to get rid of it, we can exclude the SMI index from the model:

model2 <- ols(dset = EuStockMarkets,
                target = "DAX",
                vars = "CAC FTSE")
var coef p.value vif
(Intercept) -1575.3045205 0 NA
CAC 0.8479211 0 6.194059
FTSE 0.6217500 0 6.194059

It is also possible to build a model without an intercept. Such an action is controlled by the parameter intercept:

model3 <- ols(dset = EuStockMarkets,
              target = "DAX",
              vars = "CAC FTSE",
              intercept = FALSE)
## Warning in vif.default(model.original): No intercept: vifs may not be
## sensible.
target vars R2 adjusted.R2 RMSE AIC BIC F.stat F.p.value bg.stat bg.p.value reset.stat reset.p.value ad.stat ad.p.value sw.stat sw.p.value chow.stat chow.p.value significance max.p.value max.vif tests n equation
DAX CAC FTSE 0.9769045 0.9768796 670.5558 27740.15 27756.73 39295.28 0 1854.851 0 8859.123 0 138.9562 0 0.7871347 0 3803.564 0 TRUE 0 88.15412 TRUE 1860 CAC*(0.321755922999695)+FTSE*(0.536557076690009)
var coef p.value vif
CAC 0.3217559 0 88.15412
FTSE 0.5365571 0 88.15412

In such case Breusch-Pagan test won't be executed (it requires an intercept).

2.2 Visualizations

We can output residuals of the regression by using the argument output.residuals:

model1 <- ols(dset = EuStockMarkets,
                target = "DAX",
                vars = "SMI CAC FTSE",
                visualize = TRUE,
                output.residuals = TRUE)
qplot(model1[["output.residuals"]]) +
  theme_minimal() +
  xlab('') +
  ggtitle("Histogram of residuals") # plot
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

The EuStockMarkets data set is an object of mts class. That means that it includes dates. We can take advantage of it and visualize predicted and observed values of DAX on one plot dependent on time. To do it,time.series and visualize arguments are used:

model1 <- ols(dset = EuStockMarkets,
              target = "DAX",
              vars = "CAC FTSE",
              visualize = TRUE,
              time.series  = TRUE)
## Don't know how to automatically pick scale for object of type yearmon. Defaulting to continuous.

However, data usually comes in the form of data frames. In such case, time.plot can be produced as well by pointing out the time variable in the data set. Exemplyfing, we will obtain the time variable from EuStockMarkets,transform it to a data frame and add the extracted time:

date <- as.yearmon(time(EuStockMarkets))
EuStockMarkets <- data.frame(EuStockMarkets)
EuStockMarkets$date <- date

Now, let's build our model again, this time with calling the time.var argument and setting its value to previously obtained date:

model1 <- ols(dset = EuStockMarkets,
              target = "DAX",
              vars = "CAC FTSE",
              visualize = TRUE,
              time.var  = "date")
## Don't know how to automatically pick scale for object of type yearmon. Defaulting to continuous.

We can see that the plots are identical.

Last but not least, it is possible to plot predicted and observed value even for . The object is produced by ols when visualize is set to TRUE and is simply called plot. This time we will use iris data set:

model2 <- ols(dset = iris,
              target = "Sepal.Length",
              vars = "Sepal.Width Petal.Length",
              visualize = TRUE)

2.3 Additional statistic: predicted R-squared

An additional statistic which can be optionally obtained is a predicted R-squared. It helps evaluating how well the model predicts new observations. The higher predicted R-squared, the better your model is at predictng new instances of the target variable. The method of its calculation is as follows:

  1. For every sample in the data set perform a Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV):
  • Predict the left out in a given run target value on the basis of the model built without this value.
  1. Compute the sum of squared differences between predicted and observed values obtained in .): it is so called PRESS statistic.
  2. Compute the ratio: PRESS/TSS (TSS = Tota Sum of Squared, i.e. the sum of squared differences between the target values and their average).
  3. Compute predicted R-squared: 1 - PRESS/TSS.

If you're interested in more details, they can be found here.

Let's not jump to the example. Again, we will use the EuStockMarkets data set. It is worth mentioning that for the needs of calculation of this statistic the data set have to be a data frame (not a mts object). However, in this example we don't have to worry about that since we transformed it earlier. The parameter controlling the output of this statistic is called pred.R2:

model4 <-ols(dset = EuStockMarkets,
              target = "DAX",
              vars = "CAC FTSE",
              pred.R2 = TRUE)
target vars R2 adjusted.R2 RMSE pred.R2 AIC BIC F.stat F.p.value bp.stat bp.p.value bg.stat bg.p.value reset.stat reset.p.value ad.stat ad.p.value sw.stat sw.p.value chow.stat chow.p.value significance max.p.value max.vif tests n equation
DAX CAC FTSE 0.9841894 0.9841724 708.3813 0.9841277 23571.5 23593.62 57798.07 0 301.2286 0 1802.022 0 146.4167 0 4.530819 0 0.9935889 3e-07 256.8144 0 TRUE 0 6.194059 TRUE 1860 (Intercept)(-1575.30452045062)+CAC(0.847921086750325)+FTSE*(0.621750000476402)

As we can see, the predicted R-squared is lower then both R-squared and adjusted R-squared.

Calculation of the predicted R-squared is turned off by default since it's really time consuming. Performing LOOCV translates to computing additional n models (where n is the number of observations in your data set). In the example above it was 1860 additional OLS models. Let's check how it influences computation time We will use the microbenchmark library. Each function was ran 100 times and on the basis of the results, basis statistics were obtained.


mbm.pred.R2 <- microbenchmark(
  "pred.R2"  = {model1 <- ols(dset = EuStockMarkets,
                                        target = "DAX",
                                        vars = "SMI CAC FTSE",
                                        pred.R2 = TRUE)},
  "no.pred.R2" = {model1 <- ols(dset = EuStockMarkets,
                                          target = "DAX",
                                          vars = "SMI CAC FTSE",
                                          pred.R2 = FALSE)})
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
pred.R2 4671.14071 4875.92802 5141.06066 5069.80760 5291.08432 6752.8239 100
no.pred.R2 43.77589 45.09869 49.16099 47.61333 50.61435 87.3956 100

As we can see, the computation time rockets on average by 104.576016 times from 0.049161 to 5.1410607 seconds!

2.4 Differencing and lagging variables

Now we will proceed to building multiple models. At the moment objects of class mts are not handled, so at first our data set should be converted into a data frame (if it hasn't been done earlier). Then we can add some lagged variables. To lag regressors, we can use lag function:

EuStockMarkets <- data.frame(EuStockMarkets)

EuStockMarkets <- lags(dset = EuStockMarkets,
     vars = c("SMI", "CAC", "FTSE"),
     lag.vec = 1:4)

dset is the data set, in which variables can be found. The argumentvars selects variables, which should be lagged. lag.vec is a vector of lags which should be executed. In this case, there are four lags: the minimum lag is 1, and the maximum is 4. Lagged variables have a suffix .<lag.order., e.g. the SME index lagged by with a lag of three periods is called SMI.3.

Having lagged variables, we can proceed to obtaining vectors of all the possible combinations of lagged (and unlagged) regressors. To do this, we will use the function ncomb:

vars <- ncomb(vec = c("SMI", "CAC", "FTSE"),
              m = 1,
              n = 3,
              max.lag = 4)

The vector vec indicates, which variables should be taken into consideration when making combinations. m is a minimum number in combination and n is maximum number of variables in combination. max.lag indicates maximum lag of variables, which should be used when making combinations.

Let's see the result of ncomb:

head(vars, 10)
##  [1] "SMI.1" "SMI.2" "SMI.3" "SMI.4" "SMI"   "CAC.1" "CAC.2" "CAC.3"
##  [9] "CAC.4" "CAC"
tail(vars, 10)
##  [1] "SMI.1 CAC.4 FTSE" "SMI.2 CAC.4 FTSE" "SMI.3 CAC.4 FTSE"
##  [4] "SMI.4 CAC.4 FTSE" "SMI CAC.4 FTSE"   "SMI.1 CAC FTSE"  
##  [7] "SMI.2 CAC FTSE"   "SMI.3 CAC FTSE"   "SMI.4 CAC FTSE"  
## [10] "SMI CAC FTSE"

and the number of produced combinations

n.models <- length(vars)
## [1] 215

2.5 Creating multiple regression models

As we can see, in a moment we will build 215 OLS models. To obtain them in one command, ols_summary function will be used:

models <- ols_summary(dset.sum = EuStockMarkets,
                      target.sum = rep("DAX", n.models),
                      vars.sum = vars)

dset.sum is our converted data set, target.sum is target variable repeated n.models times (since we want to build such a number of regressions) and vars.sum is a vector of all combinations of regressors produced by ncomb function.

The results are of the same structure as in case of our first model (obtained from ols function). The only additional column we get is model.num, which is a model number:

models.stats <- models$stats
##   [1]   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17
##  [18]  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34
##  [35]  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51
##  [52]  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68
##  [69]  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85
##  [86]  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99 100 101 102
## [103] 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
## [120] 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
## [137] 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
## [154] 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
## [171] 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
## [188] 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204
## [205] 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215

Let's see six best models in terms of adjusted R-Squared:

head(models.stats[order(models.stats$adjusted.R2, decreasing = T),])
target vars R2 adjusted.R2 RMSE pred.R2 AIC BIC F.stat F.p.value bp.stat bp.p.value bg.stat bg.p.value reset.stat reset.p.value ad.stat ad.p.value sw.stat sw.p.value chow.stat chow.p.value significance max.p.value max.vif tests n equation model.num
185 DAX SMI CAC.4 FTSE.4 0.9899472 0.9899309 803.4522 22683.54 22711.17 60791.90 0 204.6968 0 1761.647 0 45.56233 0 10.304760 0 0.9867456 0 134.6473 0 TRUE 0.0348734 85.364357 TRUE 1856 (Intercept)(-127.626973618169)+SMI(0.513114108395759)+CAC.4*(0.482952957049387)+FTSE.4*(-0.0416017513798577) DAX 185
160 DAX SMI CAC.4 FTSE.3 0.9899393 0.9899230 803.9688 22684.99 22712.62 60743.76 0 206.9403 0 1758.698 0 47.30768 0 10.094337 0 0.9869969 0 133.6170 0 TRUE 0.0832867 89.611317 TRUE 1856 (Intercept)(-140.068438037302)+SMI(0.50873290702042)+CAC.4*(0.484290355238345)+FTSE.3*(-0.034770345076648) DAX 160
135 DAX SMI CAC.4 FTSE.2 0.9899310 0.9899147 804.4874 22686.53 22714.16 60693.01 0 209.3146 0 1758.335 0 49.77853 0 9.865628 0 0.9872799 0 133.0109 0 TRUE 0.2257422 94.180270 TRUE 1856 (Intercept)(-158.998174628224)+SMI(0.502095876874254)+CAC.4*(0.486880719902912)+FTSE.2*(-0.0247679406452226) DAX 135
35 DAX SMI CAC.4 0.9899230 0.9899121 700.2205 22686.00 22708.10 91015.77 0 211.9794 0 1755.853 0 45.51831 0 9.365358 0 0.9878405 0 170.6485 0 TRUE 0.0000000 9.181714 TRUE 1856 (Intercept)(-207.684673377669)+SMI(0.485097308509324)+CAC.4*(0.494904389563161) DAX 35
110 DAX SMI CAC.4 FTSE.1 0.9899247 0.9899083 804.9980 22687.70 22715.33 60654.42 0 211.9374 0 1757.695 0 53.06066 0 9.579326 0 0.9876018 0 133.3751 0 TRUE 0.5827608 98.990796 TRUE 1856 (Intercept)(-184.955738670181)+SMI(0.493022354676854)+CAC.4*(0.490983988133413)+FTSE.1*(-0.0114386271974997) DAX 110
210 DAX SMI CAC.4 FTSE 0.9899234 0.9899070 805.5190 22687.94 22715.57 60646.48 0 214.9618 0 1755.931 0 57.17214 0 9.268893 0 0.9879479 0 134.8465 0 TRUE 0.8036974 103.232524 TRUE 1856 (Intercept)(-218.221847587644)+SMI(0.481427677619494)+CAC.4*(0.496796260977783)+FTSE*(0.00525002049348799) DAX 210

As it can be noticed, the best model was the 185th one. We can see it by looking it up in vars.stats list:

vars.stats <- models$vars.stats
var coef p.value vif
(Intercept) (Intercept) -127.6269736 0.0019513 NA
SMI SMI 0.5131141 0.0000000 85.36436
CAC.4 CAC.4 0.4829530 0.0000000 10.84197
FTSE.4 FTSE.4 -0.0416018 0.0348734 57.61019

What happens if a variable which is not in the data set is declared in ols_summary? Let's check it out:

models <- ols_summary(dset.sum = EuStockMarkets,
                      target.sum = rep("DAX", n.models),
                      vars.sum = c("Nonexistent.Variable1",
                                   "Nonexistent.Variable2", vars))
## Error in ols_summary(dset.sum = EuStockMarkets, target.sum = rep("DAX", : Variable(s):
##  Nonexistent.Variable1, Nonexistent.Variable2
##  is/are not in the data set.

2.6 Parallelization

We can parallelize our computations by using do.parallel argument. By default, the number of used cores is the maximum.number.of.cores - 2. This variable can be controlled by n.cores:

models <- ols_summary(dset.sum = EuStockMarkets,
                      target.sum = rep("DAX", n.models),
                      vars.sum = vars,
                      do.parallel = TRUE,
                      n.cores = 2)

Parallelization is turned off by default.

2.7 Benchmark of parallelized and non-parallelized computations

Do parallelized calculations actually execute faster than non-parallelized ones? In order to check it, the library microbenchmark was once again used. The comparison includes running the same calculations on one, two and three cores:

mbm <- microbenchmark(
  "not.parallelized"  = {models <- ols_summary(dset.sum = EuStockMarkets,
                                               target.sum = rep("DAX", n.models),
                                               vars.sum = vars,
                                               do.parallel = FALSE,
                                      = FALSE)},
  "parallelized.2.cores" = {models <- ols_summary(dset.sum = EuStockMarkets,
                                          target.sum = rep("DAX", n.models),
                                          vars.sum = vars,
                                          do.parallel = TRUE,
                                          n.cores = 2)},
  "parallelized.3.cores" = {models <- ols_summary(dset.sum = EuStockMarkets,
                                                  target.sum = rep("DAX", n.models),
                                                  vars.sum = vars,
                                                  do.parallel = TRUE,
                                                  n.cores = 3)})

The table below presents statistic (mean, median etc.) of time required to execute a function (in seconds):

expr min lq mean median uq max neval
not.parallelized 9.054509 9.138603 9.375295 9.187071 9.464257 14.57375 100
parallelized.2.cores 10.233477 10.374942 10.763843 10.511067 11.053782 12.77917 100
parallelized.3.cores 10.872229 11.059795 11.316901 11.139311 11.471231 17.23292 100

As it can be seen, the parallelization did not reduce calculation time. Such a result comes from time required to initialize a cluster, which takes a couple of seconds. If calculations of ~200 regressions last a few seconds, employing additional cores doesn’t make sense.

Will such a phenomenon hold for larger data? Let's find out by adding lags up to 16 and running the benchmark again (this time only 30 times due to the computations cost). In each iteration of each function, 5831 models will be build:

vars2 <- ncomb(vec = c("SMI", "CAC", "FTSE"),
              m = 1,
              n = 3,
              max.lag = 16)
n.models2 <- length(vars2)

EuStockMarkets <- lags(dset = EuStockMarkets,
                       vars = c("SMI", "CAC", "FTSE"),
                       lag.vec = 1:16)

mbm2 <- microbenchmark(
  "not.parallelized"  = {models <- ols_summary(dset.sum = EuStockMarkets,
                                               target.sum = rep("DAX", n.models2),
                                               vars.sum = vars2,
                                               do.parallel = FALSE,
                                      = FALSE)},
  "parallelized.2.cores" = {models <- ols_summary(dset.sum = EuStockMarkets,
                                          target.sum = rep("DAX", n.models2),
                                          vars.sum = vars2,
                                          do.parallel = TRUE,
                                          n.cores = 2)},
  "parallelized.3.cores" = {models <- ols_summary(dset.sum = EuStockMarkets,
                                                  target.sum = rep("DAX", n.models2),
                                                  vars.sum = vars2,
                                                  do.parallel = TRUE,
                                                  n.cores = 3)},
  times = 30)
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
not.parallelized 263.6426 264.5064 264.7084 264.7030 265.0228 265.5293 30
parallelized.2.cores 158.8773 159.3089 159.6111 159.5387 159.9745 160.5580 30
parallelized.3.cores 136.7748 137.5200 137.7300 137.7246 138.0294 138.6247 30

In this case, parallelization shortened the time required to run a function call. It should be taken into consideration that the number of models was 27 times greater than previously. Interestingly, the addition of the third core reduced the computation time on average only by ~ 12 seconds (reduction by about 13%).

As a rule of thumb, when dealing with a couple hundred of models, the computations should not be parallelized. When the number of models is at least a few thousands, additional cores can help.


Set of functions to semi-automatically build and test Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models in R in parallel.








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