APIs for webull, you are free to use, but code not extensively checked and Webull may update the APIs or the endpoints at any time. https://www.webull.com/
pip install webull
python3 -m pip install webull
pip install pytest requests_mock
python -m pytest -v
How to login with your email
Webull has made Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) mandatory since 2020/05/28, if you are having issues, take a look at here: https://github.com/tedchou12/webull/wiki/MFA
from webull import webull # for paper trading, import 'paper_webull'
wb = webull()
wb.login('[email protected]', 'pa$$w0rd')
How to login with your mobile
from webull import webull # for paper trading, import 'paper_webull'
wb = webull()
wb.login('+1-1112223333', 'pa$$w0rd') # phone must be in format +[country_code]-[your number]
How to order stock
from webull import webull
wb = webull()
wb.login('[email protected]', 'pa$$w0rd')
wb.place_order(stock='AAPL', price=90.0, qty=2)
How to check standing orders
from webull import webull
wb = webull()
wb.login('[email protected]', 'pa$$w0rd')
orders = wb.get_current_orders()
How to cancel standing orders
from webull import webull
wb = webull()
wb.login('[email protected]', 'pa$$w0rd')
Thank you so much, I have received Emails and messages on reddit from many traders/developers that liked this project. Thanks to many that helped and contributed to this project too! There are quite a few repeated questions on the same topic, so I have utilized the Wiki section for them. If you have troubles regarding Login/MFA Logins, Real Time Quote Data, What is Trade PIN/Trade Token, or How to buy me a coffee please take a look at the Wiki pages first. https://github.com/tedchou12/webull/wiki
This software is not extensively tested, please use at your own risk.
If you are interested to join and help me improve this, feel free to message me.