This is the OSCARS developer repository. The main OSCARS website is
The easiest way to install OSCARS is:
pip install oscars
That is all you need to do. It is recommended that you also install jupyter, but it is not necessary.
One way to install OSCARS is using a python virtual environment:
# Create virtual env
python3 -m venv oscarsenv
# Activate the oscars conda environment
source oscarsenv/bin/activate
# Install OSCARS
pip install oscars
# Install other useful utilities
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install matplotlib
pip install jupyter
At this point you should be able to run jupyter notebook (not necessairy, but nice)
jupyter notebook
and point your browser to http://localhost:8888/ if it hasn't taken you there already. Next, you are likely ready to try some of the examples on
One way to install OSCARS is using a conda environment. First:
# Fix for temporary conda bug for some distributions
conda install -n root pyyaml
# Create oscars environment (python=3.6 is optional, but recommended)
conda create --name oscars python=3.6
# Activate the oscars conda environment
source activate oscars
# Install OSCARS
pip install oscars
# Install other useful utilities
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install matplotlib
pip install jupyter
At this point you should be able to run jupyter notebook (not necessairy, but nice)
jupyter notebook
and point your browser to http://localhost:8888/ if it hasn't taken you there already. Next, you are likely ready to try some of the examples on
Compiling for the GPU requires the nvidia compiler nvcc:
Once this is installed you need to download OSCARS and run the following:
python install
The first command will build the gpu library lib/OSCARSSR_Cuda.o and the second will compile the rest of OSCARS and install it. The complete picture for this using conda is given below:
# Install git in your root conda environment (if you don't already have it).
conda install -n root git
# Fix for temporary conda bug for some distributions
conda install -n root pyyaml
# Download OSCARS
git clone -b 2.1.8
# Create a new "conda environment" and install the required Python packages.
conda env create -f environment.yml
# Activate the oscars conda environment
source activate oscars
# Build and install OSCARS with GPU support
python install