This library provides a thin abstraction on top of OCaml's regular linear continuations that enables programming with multi-shot continuations, i.e. continuations that can be applied more than once.
See the
directory for concrete uses of this library (or multi-shot
continuations) in practice.
The library can be installed via OPAM. The latest release can be installed directly from the default OPAM repository, e.g.
$ opam install multicont
Alternatively, the latest development version can be installed by pinning this repository, e.g.
$ opam pin multicont [email protected]:dhil/ocaml-multicont.git
It is straightforward to build and install this library from source as
its only dependencies are an OCaml
5.0+ compiler,
dune, and
dune-configurator. To build the whole
library simply invoke the all
rule, i.e.
$ make all
To install the library built from source simply invoke the install
$ make install
Similarly to uninstall the library again invoke the uninstall
$ make uninstall
The primary reason to build from source is to toggle configurable options of this library, which are not readily available via OPAM install. Currently, there is only one configurable option:
(default: disabled): Since commit ocaml/ocaml#e12b508 stock OCaml fibers have been equipped with unique identifiers. Enable this option to preserve unique identities amongst fibers as without this option a fiber clone is an exact copy of the original fiber, including its identity. By enabling this option, a cloned fiber will be assigned a new unique identity.
Configurable options are toggled directly on the command line as a
prefix to the make
command. For instance, the following enables
unique fiber identities:
$ UNIQUE_FIBERS=1 make all
Setting an option to 1
enables it, whereas any other possible
assignment disables it.
This library is designed to be used in tandem with the Effect
module, which provides the API for regular linear continuations. The
structure of this library mirrors that of Effect
as it provides
submodules for the Deep
and Shallow
variations of
continuations. This library intentionally uses a slightly different
terminology than Effect
in order to allow both libraries to be
opened in the same scope. For example, this library uses the
terminology resumption
in place of continuation
. A resumption
essentially amounts to a GC managed variation of a regular OCaml
continuation, which in addition can be continued multiple times. The
signature file
contains the interface for this library, which I have inlined below:
module Deep: sig
type ('a, 'b) resumption
(** a [resumption] is a managed variation of
[Effect.Deep.continuation] that can be used multiple times. *)
val promote : ('a, 'b) Effect.Deep.continuation -> ('a, 'b) resumption
(** [promote k] converts a regular linear deep continuation to a
multi-shot deep resumption. This function fully consumes the
supplied continuation [k]. *)
val resume : ('a, 'b) resumption -> 'a -> 'b
(** [resume r v] reinstates the context captured by the multi-shot
deep resumption [r] with value [v]. *)
val abort : ('a, 'b) resumption -> exn -> 'b
(** [abort r e] injects the exception [e] into the context captured
by the multi-shot deep resumption [r]. *)
val abort_with_backtrace : ('a, 'b) resumption -> exn ->
Printexc.raw_backtrace -> 'b
(** [abort_with_backtrace k e bt] aborts the deep multi-shot
resumption [r] by raising the exception [e] in [k] using [bt] as
the origin for the exception. *)
(* Primitives *)
val clone_continuation : ('a, 'b) Effect.Deep.continuation -> ('a, 'b) Effect.Deep.continuation
(** [clone_continuation k] clones the linear deep continuation [k]. The
supplied continuation is *not* consumed. *)
val drop_continuation : ('a, 'b) Effect.Deep.continuation -> unit
(** [drop_continuation k] deallocates the memory occupied by the
continuation [k]. Note, however, that this function does not clean
up acquired resources captured by the continuation. In order to
delete the continuation and free up the resources the programmer
should instead use `discontinue` from the [Effect.Deep] module. *)
module Shallow: sig
type ('a, 'b) resumption
(** a [resumption] is a managed variation of
[Effect.Shallow.continuation] that can be used multiple times. *)
val promote : ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> ('a, 'b) resumption
(** [promote k] converts a regular linear shallow continuation to a
multi-shot shallow resumption. This function fully consumes the
supplied continuation [k]. *)
val resume_with : ('c, 'a) resumption -> 'c -> ('a, 'b) handler -> 'b
(** [resume r v h] reinstates the context captured by the multi-shot
shallow resumption [r] with value [v] under the handler [h]. *)
val abort_with : ('c, 'a) resumption -> exn -> ('a, 'b) handler -> 'b
(** [abort r e h] injects the exception [e] into the context captured
by the multi-shot shallow resumption [r] under the handler [h]. *)
val abort_with_backtrace : ('c, 'a) resumption -> exn ->
Printexc.raw_backtrace -> ('a, 'b) handler -> 'b
(** [abort_with_backtrace k e bt] aborts the shallow multi-shot
resumption [r] by raising the exception [e] in [k] using [bt] as
the origin for the exception. *)
(* Primitives *)
val clone_continuation : ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation
(** [clone_continuation k] clones the linear shallow continuation [k]. The
supplied continuation is *not* consumed. *)
val drop_continuation : ('a, 'b) Effect.Shallow.continuation -> unit
(** [drop_continuation k] deallocates the memory occupied by the
continuation [k]. Note, however, that this function does not clean
up acquired resources captured by the continuation. In order to
delete the continuation and free up the resources the programmer
should instead use [discontinue_with] from the [Effect.Shallow] module. *)
It is worth stressing that both resume
exhibit multi-shot semantics, meaning in the
latter case that it is possible to abort a given resumption
One must exercise caution when programming with multi-shot continuations in OCaml, as the programming model for continuations was designed with single-shot continuations in mind. Consequently, there are a couple of hazards that one should be aware of. Broadly, speaking we can classify these hazards into two categories: compiler optimisations and effect ordering.
The OCaml compiler and runtime make some assumptions that are false in the presence of multi-shot continuations. This phenomenon is perhaps best illustrated by an example. Concretely, we can consider some optimisations performed by the compiler which are undesirable (or outright wrong) when programming with multi-shot continuations. An instance of a wrong compiler optimisation is heap to stack conversion, e.g.
(* An illustration of how the heap to stack optimisation is broken.
* This example is adapted from de Vilhena and Pottier (2021) to OCaml 5.3.0.
* file:
* compile: ocamlopt -I $(opam var lib)/multicont multicont.cmxa
* run: ./a.out *)
(* We first declare an operation `Twice' which we use to implement
multiple returns. *)
type _ Effect.t += Twice : unit Effect.t
(* In the code below, we interpret `Twice` by cloning its continuation
and invoking it twice. In the match expression, the compiler will
perform an escape analysis on the reference `i' and deduce that it
does not escape the local scope, because it is unaware of the
semantics of `perform Twice', hence the optimiser will transform
`i' into an immediate on the stack to save a heap allocation. As a
consequence, the assertion `(!i = 1)' will succeed twice, whereas
it should fail after the second return of `perform Twice'. *)
let heap2stack () =
let i = ref 0 in
Effect.perform Twice;
i := !i + 1;
Printf.printf "i = %d\n%!" !i;
assert (!i = 1)
| x -> x
| effect Twice, k ->
Effect.Deep.continue (Multicont.Deep.clone_continuation k) ();
Effect.Deep.continue k ()
(* The following does not trigger an assertion failure. *)
let _ = heap2stack ()
(* To fix this issue, we can wrap reference allocations in an instance
of `Sys.opaque_identity'. However, this is not really a viable fix
in general, as we may not have access to the client code that
allocates the reference! *)
let heap2stack' () =
let i = Sys.opaque_identity (ref 0) in
Effect.perform Twice;
i := !i + 1;
Printf.printf "i = %d\n%!" !i;
assert (!i = 1)
| x -> x
| effect Twice, k ->
Effect.Deep.continue (Multicont.Deep.clone_continuation k) ();
Effect.Deep.continue k ()
(* The following triggers an assertion failure. *)
let _ = heap2stack' ()
The wrong behaviour of heap2stack
is only observed when compiling
with ocamlc
or ocamlopt
. As of writing, the read-eval-print loop
interpreter does not perform the heap to stack conversion, therefore
running it through ocaml
will cause heap2stack
to trigger the
assertion failure as desired.
We can use multi-shot continuations to inadvertently observe implementation details, which would otherwise be unobservable (inside the language). Lets illustrate this phenomenon with a concrete example.
(* An illustration of how effect ordering is observable with
* multi-shot continuations (OCaml 5.3.0).
* file:
* compile: ocamlopt -I $(opam var lib)/multicont multicont.cmxa
* run: ./a.out *)
(* We first require a little bit of setup. The following declares an
operation `Twice' which we use to implement multiple returns. *)
type _ Effect.t += Twice : bool Effect.t
(* The handler `all' interprets `Twice' by enumerating the possible
outcomes of its continuation. *)
let all : 'a. (unit -> 'a) -> 'a list
= fun f ->
match f () with
| x -> [x]
| effect Twice, k ->
let xs = Effect.Deep.continue (Multicont.Deep.clone_continuation k) true in
let ys = Effect.Deep.continue k false in
xs @ ys
(* This function uses the `Twice` operation to initialise a bit vector
of length `n`. *)
let init_vec : int -> bool array
= fun n ->
Array.init n (fun _ -> Effect.perform Twice)
(* The array backing the bit vector is imperative, thus one might
expect the interpretation of `init_vec 1` with `htwice` to evaluate to
`[[|false|];[|false|]]`, where the two arrays have the same
identity. Lets see what it evaluates to... *)
let _ =
match all (fun () -> init_vec 1) with
| [[|true|]; [|false|]] -> ()
| _ -> assert false
(* We get two distinct arrays. Lets see what happens if we initialise
a vector of length 2: *)
let _ =
match all (fun () -> init_vec 2) with
| [[|true; false|]; [|true; false|]; [|false; false|]; [|false; false|]] -> ()
| _ -> assert false
(* We have four arrays, but only two of them are distinct (both
structurally and referentially). What about vectors of length 3? *)
let _ =
match all (fun () -> init_vec 3) with
| [[|true; false; false|] ; [|true; false; false|] ; [|true; false; false|] ; [|true; false; false|];
[|false; false; false|]; [|false; false; false|]; [|false; false; false|]; [|false; false; false|]] -> ()
| _ -> assert false
(* We have eight arrays, but again only two of them are distinct. This
pattern continues as we increase `n`. So what's going on? It turns
out that we are observing an implementation detail of
`Array.init`. Its definition is:
let init l f =
if l = 0 then [||] else
if l < 0 then invalid_arg "Array.init" else
let res = create l (f 0) in (* !! *)
for i = 1 to pred l do
unsafe_set res i (f i)
The line with the code responsible for the behaviour is highlighted
by the (* !! *) comment. Here we evaluate `f 0`, i.e. `perform
Twice`, _before_ we allocate the array, meaning the second
invocation of the continuation of the first `Twice` causes another
array to be allocated, explaining why we always have two distinct
arrays and why the first cell is not set to `false` in the first
`n/2` arrays of the list.
Essentially, we are witnessing the ordering between the user-defined
operation `Twice` and the native operation for array creation. If we
were to swap them, then we get the behaviour we may have expected
initially. *)
let init' : int -> (int -> bool) -> bool array
= fun l f ->
if l = 0 then [||] else
if l < 0 then invalid_arg "Array.init" else
let res = Array.make l true in
Array.set res 0 (f 0);
for i = 1 to pred l do
Array.unsafe_set res i (f i)
(* Similar to `init_vec`, except we initialise the bit vector with
our modified `init'`. *)
let init_vec' : int -> bool array
= fun n ->
init' n (fun _ -> Effect.perform Twice)
(* Lets rerun the examples from before. *)
let _ =
match all (fun () -> init_vec' 1) with
| [[|false|]; [|false|]] -> ()
| _ -> assert false
(* Here the two arrays are reference equal (i.e. they have the same identity). *)
let _ =
match all (fun () -> init_vec' 2) with
| [[|false; false|]; [|false; false|]; [|false; false|]; [|false; false|]] -> ()
| _ -> assert false
let _ =
match all (fun () -> init_vec' 3) with
| [[|false; false; false|]; [|false; false; false|]; [|false; false; false|]; [|false; false; false|];
[|false; false; false|]; [|false; false; false|]; [|false; false; false|]; [|false; false; false|]] -> ()
| _ -> assert false
(* Evidently, the contents of the first cell are overridden by the
second invocation of the initial continuation of `Twice`. *)
These behaviours are instances of the behaviour of composing nondeterminism and state to yield either backtrackable or non-backtrackable state. Either behaviour can be desirable. The word of caution here is that certain implementation details of higher-order functions may be observed to a greater extent than is possible with single-shot continuations or exceptions.
Under the hood the library uses regular linear OCaml continuation and
a variation of clone_continuation
that used to reside in the Obj
module of earlier versions of Multicore OCaml. Internally, the
types are aliases of the respective continuation
from the Effect
module. The ability to resume a continuation more
than once is achieved by cloning the original continuation on
demand. The key functions resume
, resume_with
, abort
, and
all clone the provided continuation argument and invoke
the resulting clone rather than the original continuation. The library
guarantees that the original continuation remains cloneable as the
call promote k
deattaches the stack embedded in the continuation
object k
, meaning that the programmer cannot inadvertently destroy
the stack by a call to continue
This work was supported by the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship "Effect Handler Oriented Programming" (reference number MR/T043830/1).