1.0.0 (2020-11-30)
Bug Fixes
- assigned-user-mode: add left margin to user picker (c0391f9)
- assigned-user-mode: shorten text and remove one header (f787f73)
- data/tei-export: send attachment parameter (6a6be58)
- job-overview: add responsivness (1006514)
- job-overview: unselect selected job if filtered out (4c749e8)
- job-summary: update wording (6cd26ea)
- tei-export: only include
when user filter is on (7a58940) - tei-export/assigned-user-mode: add option to disable this filter (a2ca740)
- tei-export/org-unit-mode: correctly show ouMode overrides (5f8f7f8)
- tei-import: remove async option and keep all imports sync (c4fa2ee)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (b921c25)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (e13ee77)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (269b697)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (11fcd88)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (d4f8f39)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (49c1165)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (58b8a7a)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (02abac6)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (ff4990e)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (4dd1190)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (4ae25ed)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (10e1263)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (f3a698d)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (f55fb7c)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (294d85e)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (45ae4be)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (da63dba)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (48096ae)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (e5e7b91)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (5accbf2)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (672ba67)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (0961e22)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (3f240df)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (934ef2c)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (2c56ff3)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (ca82c53)
- corrects capitalization of data-element-id-scheme labels (7e6ebcf)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (df84baa)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (f068a1b)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (96df50d)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (653c960)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (11ec0a2)
- make FormAlerts component purely functional (cfef938)
- cypress: correctly use environment file (34d917b)
- export: open download url in a new tab (86c17ea)
- i18n: correctly handle colon (d000b47)
- i18n: correctly import translations (076e166)
- import-job-creation: correctly set isAsync property (c7fd0a2)
- jest: css moduleNameMapper (1853684)
- labels/strategy: delete label description (ac0916c)
- org-unit-tree: add max-height (dc3fbef)
- tei-export: add download flag and add compression type to url (91594cc)
- tei-export: correctly check programStatus form value (38885e8)
- tei-import: extract the report correctly when job is synchronous (b3afa48)
- tei-import: use strategy instead of importStrategy (be207dc)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (880f1e9)
- correcly check date falsy value (ff1fdea)
- give event table rows unique keys (e8284b8)
- set proper default values for checkbox inputs (1a40055)
- cypress: temporarily remove cli-utils-cypress support import (d330d18)
- cypress: update dynamic attribute tests (4cc2041)
- event export: parameter name typo (63fe47e)
- failing tests: required
prop (584a528) - tei-import: show import strategy delete warning (b68196b)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (9276a61)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (562bd5d)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (e1a8b4f)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (cbe9633)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (000abfd)
- translations: sync translations from transifex (master) (067f358)
- ui: position alerts fixed in the center of the screen (1680894)
- ui: prefix long labels with keywords used in previous versions (c2470e0)
- ui: styling adjustments according to ui-review(#668) (bb0d309)
- add export form validation (a25922a)
- adjust tests to new style and fix found refactoring bugs (4f76870)
- app-platform core-app (a2e4250)
- assign download url correctly (da0f575)
- correctly pass typeReport on error (7396cf6)
- critical warning alert when server returns an error on POST (222386a)
- don't crash if server returns null summary (4c89958)
- don't postfix app name in manifest (cd6c6be)
- ui: select/clear all checkboxes converted to buttons (cde22b8)
- csv format check (83c9b20)
- error handling IdScheme (26adf20)
- error when conditionally rendering fields (63d1fbd)
- eslint build error work-around (4192630)
- failing Schemas test (#42) (703579f)
- failing test (9bdd3f6)
- failing test. Update UI dep (01cbdbe)
- fossa readme badge (6dd48bd)
- global element schema context (95ece0b)
- global user context (ef8df5b)
- handle all xhr errors (fcb230e)
- handle HTTP errors when fetching attributes (bc036fe)
- handle query errors (07ca351)
- handle unknown api response shape (#62) (DHIS2-7207) (e35c55f)
- id is always string (7f3053b)
- import pages progress bar (3764e6d)
- job overview initial render bug (c1d3d54)
- label as prop (e5338b8)
- label uppercase (cb2b37a)
- make location assignment functionality stubbable (12c6116)
- move common select logic to SelectableList (c6d0ede)
- move internal components to separate subfolders (ee55277)
- move schema logic inside components (0947fed)
- move user, scheme and task logic to HOCs (3d27c33)
- multiselect correctly works when turned off (0daf8a5)
- no import summaries (26d03b7)
- page supports progress in percentage (2ec221a)
- param generation (79b3279)
- progress in correctly set (6398c92)
- react-final-forms form-errors subscription (534b843)
- remove error message print from i18n (c518ecb)
- rename more appropriately (8924fa6)
- renamed to SelectableList (3633888)
- select/clear all only makes sense when multi-select (ca06169)
- setSelected doesn't need current state value (7c87233)
- state updates on unmounted component (07b27f5)
- tag tasks that have error events as erroneous (382a0c8)
- tag tasks that have error in task-summary as erroneous (caa7f5c)
- test check i18n string (7192b02)
- unique keys when duplicate object names (9505b09)
- use onComplete/onError callback functions (8c5c7b9)
- api helper: extract correct name in getProgramStages helper (7412dff)
- css: overflow (2f9efb8)
- data import: add missing skip audit request parameter (#60) (DHIS2-7020) (5f2217c)
- import meta data: send correct file format (7628b4c)
- metadata dependency: use objectType and objectList in url (#76) (ffa66bc)
- add crossorigin to fix chrome-bug (fixes DHIS2-6122) (59a56d5)
- metadata export: filter selectable schemas on metadata and exclude schemas (#30) (587bbfb)
- clear log fix (6d90210)
- label used before it was defined (61d2c98)
- show summary after data imports (61d4ef6)
- use selected format instead of file extension for Content-Type header (#50) (cf9cfb3)
- add/remove: org unit (0a19acf)
- code-style: eslint configuration issues (cfae816)
- DataExport: fix default True, include descendant of org. unit (355f7fc)
- Date: component (15c2c27)
- eslint-loader: add dependency (5da95e8)
- EventImport: reference to getParamsFromFormState func. in helpers (23b9cd2)
- logger: remove truncation of date in logger (f3a8aaf)
- metadata-export: add support for csv. Download directly from server (becd9cd)
- remove xhr onprogress code (a521338)
- upgrade d2/ui, fix import to reduce bundle-size (3cfefb6)
- getFormValues: add exception for calculated values (4a10865)
- getMimeType: return NULL if filename is empty (d9acced)
- HeaderBar: enable HeaderBaR (f358718)
- logger: add placeholder to messages without timestamp (fa8f427)
- logger: Add truncation options to getDate (f3078d7)
- Metadata Import: append object type if format is CSV (ffd4794)
- metadata-dep: fix optionset support (20bb9e7), closes #DHIS2-6074
- MetadataDependencyExport: missing ObjectType field (643bcc5)
- MetadataExport: amend skipSharing param when sharing = false (910413f)
- MetadataExport: send list of exclude params (137bde7)
- MetadataImport: duplicate ObjectType field (14928f8)
- MetaDataImport: set response to json (99c15b6)
- check data response before logging stats (1b20bad)
- use format json, in MetaData & MetaDataDependency import/export (5d65d03)
- metadata dependency export: repeated api/api in url (0a9436a)
- RadioButton: set default valueSelected (8638240)
- rxjs: include dependency for headerbar (77ae860)
- syntax: use map instead of forEach (227d779)
- Tree: sibling sub-tree expand (ba261db)
- xhr setRequestHeader: open XHR before setting headers (3d6968f)
- add format param for Export for correct server export (9d1c9a9)
- blob mime types (7dde8cd)
- enable HeaderBar (dc59375)
- enable HeaderBar (3e3da0b)
- fetchLog first param (8e95750)
- use prop name as name (490548a)
- schemas: Component (10ca642)
- SelectField: layout and selection issues (52bc7c5)
- tasksummary: add check for errorReports (ec81d52)
- ability to hide task details (cde23f5)
- add dynamic attributes to data & event import page (#68) (DHIS2-7495) (f9a64bf)
- add home page (83fc914)
- component DatePicker tests (b7f267b)
- component FormField tests (3034d77)
- component Icon tests (11030e0)
- component ImportButtonStrip tests (4b6d69f)
- component JobSummary (fb5ec44)
- dry run as primary form submit button (6099a4a)
- floating action button component (b784578)
- integrate job overview modal (ccfaf09)
- job overview and modal component (0bff1d3)
- move ClassKey to own component (433308a)
- move job overview to own page; no modal (beb504f)
- only show full summary of most recent import once by default (1a947f5)
- recreate previously run jobs from job overview page (6b32878)
- show form validation summary when form is submitted (da14924)
- export: disable export button while content is loading (8e63341)
- menu: display icons for import / export section headers (53ae61c)
- ui: style prefix technical terms (2d1fbc4)
- add @dhis2/ui-forms dependency (5ac2ea3)
- add dataElement Scheme to Event import parameters (c92b375)
- add fields used for data export page (13a3d46)
- all previous cypress tests passing (3fa669c)
- async form submission, extracted form elements (6410e7b)
- context Schemes removed (817aeec)
- optimize api schema request (75884cf)
- show a
job started
alert when a job is started without error (90d56a5) - attributes: prepare attributes fetching & state management (#67) (f61ee93)
- ui/strategy: show warning box when DELETE is selected (75eed04)
- add firstRowIsHeader param for csv meta data import (#43) (7a049ea)
- add schemes for event import export (1b271d0)
- add skip audit option to data import page (#55) (DHIS2-7020) (eb07f9e)
- checkbox list component (034be33)
- component ClassKey converted to a hook (84e98b9)
- component ObjectSelect converted to a hook (7cc13c2)
- component ProgramStageSelect converted to a hook (49ede5b)
- Blob: helper functions (c56d7f5)
- DataExport: Include children in data export (#15) (b5b8542)
- DataImport: show import conflicts in task summary (95e03d3)
- metadata dependency: add support for optionSet (#31) (c80b1c3)
- add support for required fields and validation (1976778)
- DataExport: compressed + uncompressed (1d208b3)
- GMLImport: detect typeReport errors (6d7cb99)
- TaskSummary: detect importSummaries in xhr response and show (6bbd9e7)
- EventImport form (bac4f4e)
- Metadata Dependency ˆExport form (deab466)
- support zipped imports (fae56b6)
- API: get user details (f053cd1)
- DataExport: export uncompressed data (4e94623)
- Import Error: show error on invalid file import (8284226)
- Org. Unit: single select (eebffad)
- testing: Loading (e868e65)
- Data ˆExport form (a60cf55)
- data export page (3b48fed)
- data import page (d558e3d)
- data set picker component (2250335)
- Date field (51fa907)
- date picker component (5e0be2c)
- Event Export formˆ (b3610e3)
- event export page (40daed8)
- event import page (ce821ea)
- extract job recreation state logic to separate functions (11d698d)
- follow react code style + propTypes + dataTest (87f276b)
- form alert component (c88f86a)
- form field with label helper component (200e9d4)
- gml import page (080255b)
- install cli-utils-cypress (5b76611)
- integrate date/time locale (28a6e93)
- metadata dependency export page (d226c69)
- Metadata Export form (e012bec)
- metadata export page (0dceea0)
- metadata import page (08a9af6)
- navigation and routing basic skeleton (afb70df)
- organsition unit component (d6e3275)
- page can show JobSummary before rest of body (da6f5f7)
- plus, minus icons (94bc57b)
- program picker component (ab37238)
- remove Icon component (ec6bc05)
- responsive grid and icons (e6d013f)
- save Radio btn. updates to Form state (b69b2f1)
- Schema component (a8aabd2)
- show validation messages (5fe6dc8)
- string trimming function (efe7c2d)
- summary statistics extraction function (66b0f38)
- support for import task state and fetching (7cfe0d1)
- switch with label component (ba8889f)
- tasks HOC converted to a hook (9e1addb)
- tasks icon (739a5e4)
- test click events (3fa2170)
- tests for DataSetPicker (31172bf)
- tests for ElementSchemas (078f7e3)
- tests for FormAlerts (075451e)
- tests for JobOverview component (8d70a08)
- tests for JobSummary (a098746)
- tests for MenuLabel (a1fe8ae)
- tests for MoreOptions (63839f2)
- tests for OrgUnitTree (5193c7e)
- tests for Page (a370d66)
- tests for ProgramPicker (025b845)
- tests for RadioGroup (eba6ff9)
- tests for Select (a60ea1a)
- tests for SelectableList (eff2873)
- tests for Switch (a9d33d3)
- tests for WithAuthority (e82fb0f)
- togglable options component (1424ad4)
- toString() instead of string literals (40f25ba)
- tracked entity instances export page (6964acd)
- tracked entity instances import page (072f291)
- upload icon (90e46d0)
- use @dhis2 scoped dependencies (4bcab8e)
- use Page components ability to show newest job (64bc8b2)
- use ui-forms RFF in export/data page (27c5deb)
- use ui-forms RFF in export/event page (1b35646)
- use ui-forms RFF in export/metadata page (aa678ce)
- use ui-forms RFF in export/metadata-dependency page (5396f76)
- use ui-forms RFF in import/data page (370c783)
- use ui-forms RFF in import/event page (70fc33e)
- use ui-forms RFF in import/gml page (a0c3b9f)
- use ui-forms RFF in import/metadata page (a08c1d4)
- user HOC converted to a hook (5a18c16)
- WithAuthority component (bea2758)
- gh-pages: add hosting onto github pages (76a4559)
- id scheme inputs: use select instead of radio buttons (DHIS2-7495) (#71) (3711fef)
- input components: add missing components for Event export page (c0cd92f)
- integrate react-router: use hash routing (9b1355b)
- Loading: show loading while authenticating (a111491)
- material-ui: use theme at root level (58ff5a3)
- object: add api helpers (be4fe6d)
- object: add ObjectList and ObjectType components (39c0ec5)
- object: add redux components (a0cc1bc)
- postcss: automated RTL language support (faae688)
- program: add redux components (c55c64c)
- program & stages: add translations (6c9a8c6)
- program stages: add redux components (3459942)