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Angular ngBabelfish - Build Status

Internationalization module for angular.js, it's magic !

It's working with Angular UI-Router


npm install ng-babelfish or bower install ngBabelfish

In your html:

<script src="bower_components/ngBabelfish/dist/bundle.js"></script>

Add the dependency to your module:



You have to create a json file, cf:

Ex for a default JSON (lazy mode is off)

  "fr-FR": {
    "_common": {
      "lang": "Français",
      "back": "Page précédente"
    "home": {
      "title": "Bienvenue petit papillon de lumière !",
      "baseline": "Bienvenue sur",
      "baselineInfo": "NgServal",
      "includes": "Tu peux désormais coder. Tu disposes de :",
      "launchApp": "Ouvre une console et saisi cette commande :",
      "aboutTpl": "On utilise une  version customisée du template lodash cf:",
      "aboutTpl2": "Tu peux modifier ça dans la variable templateSettings, on trouve ça dans ce fichier",
      "aboutLink": "Tu peux aller Ă  la page suivante avec ce lien : ",
      "aboutLink2": "ou, en utilisant ce bouton avec un event",
      "aboutAnchor": "avec une ancre",
      "buttonMsg": "Page suivante"
    "welcome": {
      "message": "coucou"
  "en-EN": {
    "_common": {
      "lang": "English",
      "back": "Previous page"
    "home": {
      "title": "Hi little butterfly !",
      "baseline": "Welcome to",
      "baselineInfo": "NgServal",
      "includes": "You're ready to code. It includes",
      "launchApp": "Open a terminal and run",
      "aboutTpl": "It uses a custom lodash templating cf:",
      "aboutTpl2": "You can of course remove these templateSettings, it's located inside",
      "aboutLink": "You can access to another page here ",
      "aboutLink2": "or, use a button with an event listener.",
      "aboutAnchor": "with an anchor",
      "buttonMsg": "Next page"
    "welcome": {
      "message": "hey"

You must respect a convention for the lang

Language are defined with a - as defined inside the BCP 47. cf Value of the HTML5 lang attribute.

JSON configuration with the lazy mode

    "_common": {
      "lang": "English",
      "back": "Previous page"
    "home": {
      "title": "Hi little butterfly !",
      "baseline": "Welcome to",
      "baselineInfo": "NgServal",
      "includes": "You're ready to code. It includes",
      "launchApp": "Open a terminal and run",
      "aboutTpl": "It uses a custom lodash templating cf:",
      "aboutTpl2": "You can of course remove these templateSettings, it's located inside",
      "aboutLink": "You can access to another page here ",
      "aboutLink2": "or, use a button with an event listener.",
      "aboutAnchor": "with an anchor",
      "buttonMsg": "Next page"
    "welcome": {
      "message": "hey"

FileName can be: "en-EN.json", we do not care. Look at the Provider configuration.

How does it works

  • fr-FR : French language (if no lazy mode)
  • _common: Translation available in each state of your application
  • home: Translation only for the state home

So when ngBabelfish binds i18n, it extends _commom with home. So you can overide a translation from _common in a state.

In my application

When you load the application, as ngBabelfish is a dependency, it loads its own configuration before your app's config.


run(['babelfish', '$state','$rootScope', function(babelfish, $state, $rootScope) {

    // Update the translation when you change a page
    $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(e, toState) {


It loads the translation file, by default it's from /i18n/languages.json. But of course you can load only a file with one language, you have to configure the service. It's the lazy mode. (unstable).

So when the file is created, it binds the data from the default state (home) to your scope.

You can binds translation to a namespace


    .config(function(babelfishProvider) {

        // Configure the i18n for this app
            state: "home", // Default state to load
            lang: "en-EN", // Default language
            url: "/i18n/languages.json", // Default url
            namespace: "", // Default namespace
            lazy: false, // Active lazy
            urls: [ // Files per lang when you are in lazy mode (so url is useless)
                    lang: "", // fr-FR etc.
                    url: ""

Default configuration

    "state": "home",
    "lang": "en-EN",
    "url": "/i18n/languages.json",
    "namespace": "",
    "lazy": false,
    "urls": [
            "lang": "",
            "url": ""

So by default, babelfish will load your translation file from /i18n/languages.json. And load the lang en-EN, so you must have a key en-EN in the json. Then it says, your default state is home.

Detect when you change the lang of your app

$rootScope.$emit('ngBabelfish.translation:changed', {
    previous: (old + '-' + old.toUpperCase()),
    value: lang

So you have to listen the scope on ngBabelfish.translation:changed, it gives you access to an object with two keys:

  • previous : Previous language
  • value : Current language

Detect when you load another/a new lang for your app

$rootScope.$emit('ngBabelfish.translation:loaded', {
    currentState: page,
    lang: lang

So you have to listen the scope on ngBabelfish.translation:loaded, it gives you access to an object with two keys:

  • currentState: current state
  • lang: current lang for the application

Lazy Loading

You can build a file per lang, so you can load only the current lang, and load another if you need to.


Configure the service from babelfishProvider in your app module

    .config(function(babelfishProvider) {

        // Configure the i18n for this app
            namespace: "", // Namespace to store your translations in the $scope
            state: "home", // Default state of your app
            lang: "fr-FR", // Default lang for the app
            lazy: true, // Activate lazy mode
            urls: [ // Store each translation
                    lang: "fr-FR", // Name of your translation
                    url: "/i18n/fr-FR.json" // Path to the translation
                    lang: "en-EN",
                    url: "/i18n/en-EN.json"


// Other way to do it

    .config(function(babelfishProvider) {

        // Configure the i18n for this app
            namespace: "", // Namespace to store your translations in the $scope
            state: "home", // Default state of your app
            lang: "fr-FR" // Default lang for the app

        // no need to activate lazy mode, it's already activated throw lang()
                lang: "fr-FR", // Name of your translation
                url: "/i18n/fr-FR.json" // Path to the translation
                lang: "en-EN",
                url: "/i18n/en-EN.json"


It's ready.

A json for the lazy mode

    "_common": {
      "lang": "English",
      "back": "Previous page"
    "home": {
      "title": "Hi little butterfly !",
      "baseline": "Welcome to",
      "baselineInfo": "NgServal",
      "includes": "You're ready to code. It includes",
      "launchApp": "Open a terminal and run",
      "aboutTpl": "It uses a custom lodash templating cf:",
      "aboutTpl2": "You can of course remove these templateSettings, it's located inside",
      "aboutLink": "You can access to another page here ",
      "aboutLink2": "or, use a button with an event listener.",
      "aboutAnchor": "with an anchor",
      "buttonMsg": "Next page"
    "welcome": {
      "message": "hey"

Data Provider

You can directly load your data by passing them in the data config attribute

    .config(function(babelfishProvider) {

        // Configure the i18n for this app
            state: "home", // Default state to load
            lang: "en-EN", // Default language
            data: {  //Your translation json goes here 
              "_common" {
              "fr-FR": {
              "en-EN": {
            namespace: "", // Default namespace
            lazy: false, // Active lazy
            urls: [ // Files per lang when you are in lazy mode (so url is useless)
                    lang: "", // fr-FR etc.
                    data: {}// data also available in lazy mode

Solo Mode (translate only a small portion of an application, such as a directive)

You can update a small portion of an application, without using ngBabelfish for the whole application. So it can be used with another translate service if you want.

    .controller('testController', function(translator) {
            namespace: 'i18n'

To use the solo mode you must inject ngBabelfish.solo module (ngBabelfish already inject ngBabelfish.solo). You need to load the service translator.

Then it's ready, your translations are available in $scope.i18n;

You cannot load the service babelfish with the solo mode cf changelog Solo Mode

JSON for the solo mode

    "_common": {
        "version": "1.6.0"
    "en-EN": {
        "title": "Hello, welcome to this test",
        "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam doloremque, ipsa neque eaque saepe error amet pariatur aperiam vitae eius iure sapiente rem minima autem possimus facilis similique voluptatem laboriosam."
    "fr-FR": {
        "title": "Bonjour bienvenue sur ce test",
        "text": "Masoirobal metatpulov euqilimis silicaf sumissop metua aminim mer etneipas erui suie eativ mairepa rutairap tema rorre epeas euqae euqen aspi ,euqmerolod mauqmuN .tile gnicisipida rutetcesnoc ,tema tis rolod muspi merol."

Common is now a key shared for each language.


In a template


Yup, message is from your i18n. KISS.

You can configure ngBabelfish to use a namespace too.

Service babelfish


  • babelfish.load(url) : Load a translation (default url = i18n/languages.json)
  • babelfish.get(lang) : Return all translations for a lang per state
  • babelfish.all(lang) : Return all translations for a lang
  • babelfish.current() : Return the current lang
  • babelfish.updateLang(lang) : Load new translation for a lang in your app
  • babelfish.updateState(state) : Bind current translation for a state
  • babelfish.isLoaded() : Detect if your i18n is loaded
  • babelfish.loadTranslation(lang,url) : Load a new translation at runtime
  • babelfish.isLangLoaded(lang) : Check if a language is loaded
  • babelfish.getNamespace(): Get the namespace
  • babelfish.translations(): Get all the transltions for the application

Filter translate

<!-- Our current language is en-EN -->
<h1>{{ name | translate:'fr-FR':"name"}}</h1>

Display the french translation for this key



<!-- Our current language is en-EN -->
<h1 data-i18n-bind="name"></h1>
<h1 data-i18n-bind="name" data-i18n-bind-lang="fr-FR"></h1>

Ex 1: Display the english translation for name Ex 2: Display the french translation for name


Attach this directive to a button in order to load a translation, for your application.

<button type="button" data-i18n-load="fr-FR">Load french translation for the app</button>
<button type="button" data-i18n-load="en-EN">Load english translation for the app</button>



When you change the language of your application. Ex: babelfish.updateLang('fr-FR');

    previous: 'en-EN',
    value: 'fr-FR'


When you change the current state. Ex: babelfish.updateState('test');

    currentState: 'test',
    lang: 'en-EN'


You can remove ngBabelfish warnings for your tests, just inject the provider and set the key log to false

 beforeEach(module('ngBabelfish', function (babelfishProvider) {
        log: false


$ npm test


$ npm run build

You need to have UglifyJS in global