Compile code: javac -d classes $(find src -name "*.java") Note: Code is already compiled if you see a classes/ directory. No need to use this command then.
Run the interpretor to see the output. Run Compiler to see Jasmin object code file. (.j file extension)(It will be a JVM object file)
Run code: Interpretor: java -cp classes Pascal execute hello.pas Compiler: java -classpath classes Pascal compile hello.pas
Run with flags: cmd flags: -i, -x, -l, -a, -f, -c, and -r private boolean intermediate; // true to print Syntax Tree private boolean xref; // true to print cross-reference listing private boolean lines; // true to print source line tracing private boolean assign; // true to print value assignment tracing private boolean fetch; // true to print value fetch tracing private boolean call; // true to print routine call tracing private boolean returnn; // true to print routine return tracing