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A no-frills time tracking toolkit for command line nerds


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hours is a no-frills time tracking toolkit for the command line.

It's designed for users who want basic time tracking for their tasks/projects right in the terminal. With a simple and minimalistic UI, almost everything in hours can be achieved with one or two keypresses. It can also generate plaintext reports, summary statistics, and logs based on time tracked.


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πŸ€” Motivation

For a while, I've been wanting to keep track of time I spend on side projects and other non-day-job activities. I also wanted to be able to generate plain text reports to get an overview of time allocation. All of this needed to be done via a fast command line tool that prioritised ease of use over fancy-but-ultimately-not-so-useful features. I couldn't find a tool that precisely fit these needs, so I decided to build one for myself.

πŸ’Ύ Install


brew install dhth/tap/hours


go install

Or get the binaries directly from a release.

⚑️ Usage

Newbie tip: If you want to see how hours works without having to track time, you can have it generate dummy data for you. See here for more details.


Open the TUI by simply running hours. The TUI lets you do the following:

  • create/update tasks
  • start/stop tracking time on a task
  • add manual task log entries
  • edit task logs
  • view task log details
  • deactivate/activate a task
  • view historical task log entries




Besides a TUI, hours also offers reports, statistics, and logs based on the time tracking you do. These can be viewed using the subcommands report, stats, and log respectively.


hours report [flags] [arg]

Output a report based on task log entries.

Reports show time spent on tasks per day in the time period you specify. These can also be aggregated (using -a) to consolidate all task entries and show the cumulative time spent on each task per day.

Accepts an argument, which can be one of the following:

today:     for today's report
yest:      for yesterday's report
3d:        for a report on the last 3 days (default)
week:      for a report on the current week
date:      for a report for a specific date (eg. "2024/06/08")
range:     for a report for a date range (eg. "2024/06/08...2024/06/12")

Note: If a task log continues past midnight in your local timezone, it will be reported on the day it ends.


Reports can also be viewed via an interactive interface using the --interactive/-i flag.



hours log [flags] [arg]

Output task log entries.

Accepts an argument, which can be one of the following:

today:     for log entries from today (default)
yest:      for log entries from yesterday
3d:        for log entries from the last 3 days
week:      for log entries from the current week
date:      for log entries from a specific date (eg. "2024/06/08")
range:     for log entries from a specific date range (eg. "2024/06/08...2024/06/12")

Note: If a task log continues past midnight in your local timezone, it'll appear in the log for the day it ends.


Logs can also be viewed via an interactive interface using the --interactive/-i flag.



hours stats [flag] [arg]

Output statistics for tracked time.

Accepts an argument, which can be one of the following:

today:     show stats for today
yest:      show stats for yesterday
3d:        show stats for the last 3 days (default)
week:      show stats for the current week
date:      show stats for a specific date (eg. "2024/06/08")
range:     show stats for a specific date range (eg. "2024/06/08...2024/06/12")
all:       show stats for all log entries

Note: If a task log continues past midnight in your local timezone, it'll be considered in the stats for the day it ends.


Stats can also be viewed via an interactive interface using the --interactive/-i flag.


Active Task

hours can show you the task being actively tracked using the active subcommand. This subcommand supports the following placeholders using the --template/-t flag:

{{task}}:  for the task summary
{{time}}:  for the time spent so far on the active log entry

Tip: This can be used to display the active task in tmux's (or similar terminal multiplexers) status line using:

set -g status-right "#(hours active -t ' {{task}} ({{time}}) ')".

Generate Dummy Data

You can have hours generate dummy data for you, so you can play around with it, and see if its approach of showing reports/logs/stats works for you. You can do so using the gen subcommand.

hours gen --dbpath=/var/tmp/throwaway.db

🎨 Custom Themes

hours supports custom themes for its user interface (for the TUI and the output of the logs, report, and stats commands. New themes can be added using hours themes add, which will create a JSON file in hours' config directory. You can then tweak this file as per your liking.

A sample theme config looks like the following. Colors codes can be provided in ANSI 16, ANSI 256, or HEX formats. You can choose to provide only the attributes you want to change.

  "activeTask": "#8ec07c",                   # color for the active task in the footer
  "activeTaskBeginTime": "#d3869b",          # color for the active task begin time in the footer
  "activeTasks": "#fe8019",                  # primary color for the active task list view
  "formContext": "#fabd2f",                  # color for the context message in all forms
  "formFieldName": "#8ec07c",                # color for field names in all forms
  "formHelp": "#928374",                     # color for the help text in all forms
  "helpMsg": "#83a598",                      # color for help messages in the footer
  "helpPrimary": "#83a598",                  # primary color for the help view
  "helpSecondary": "#bdae93",                # secondary color for the help view
  "inactiveTasks": "#928374",                # primary color for the inactive task list view
  "initialHelpMsg": "#a58390",               # color of the initial help message in the footer
  "listItemDesc": "#777777",                 # color to be used for the title of list items (when they're not selected)
  "listItemTitle": "#dddddd",                # color to be used for the title of list items (when they're not selected)
  "recordsBorder": "#665c54",                # color for the table border in the output of logs, reports, stats
  "recordsDateRange": "#fabd2f",             # color for the data range picker in the output of logs, reports, stats
  "recordsFooter": "#ef8f62",                # color for the footer row in the output of logs, reports, stats
  "recordsHeader": "#d85d5d",                # color for the header row in the output of logs, reports, stats
  "recordsHelp": "#928374",                  # color for the help message in the output of logs, reports, stats
  "taskLogDetails": "#d3869b",               # primary color for the task log details view
  "taskEntry": "#8ec07c",                    # primary color for the task entry view
  "taskLogEntry": "#fabd2f",                 # primary color for the task log entry view
  "taskLogList": "#b8bb26",                  # primary color for the task log list view
  "tasks": [                                 # colors to be used for tasks in the output of logs, report, stats
  "titleForeground": "#282828",              # foreground color to use for the title of all views
  "toolName": "#fe8019",                     # color for the tool name in the footer
  "tracking": "#fabd2f"                      # color for the tracking message in the footer

You can view configured themes using hours themes list.

Running hours with the --theme <THEME_NAME> flag will load up that theme. Alternatively, you can set $HOURS_THEME to the theme name so you don't have to pass the flag every time.

Here's a sampling of custom themes in action.

Theme Preview
Solarized Dark solarized-dark
Monokai monokai
Nord nord
Dracula dracula
Gruvbox gruvbox
Catppuccin catppuccin
Tokyonight tokyonight

πŸ“‹ TUI Reference Manual

"hours" has 6 views:
  - Tasks List View                       Shows active tasks
  - Task Management View                  Shows a form to create/update tasks
  - Task Logs List View                   Shows your task logs
  - Task Log Details View                 Shows details for a task log
  - Inactive Tasks List View              Shows inactive tasks
  - Task Log Entry View                   Shows a form to save/update a task log entry
  - Help View

Keyboard Shortcuts


  1                                       Switch to Tasks List View
  2                                       Switch to Task Logs List View
  3                                       Switch to Inactive Tasks List View
  <tab>                                   Go to next view/form entry
  <shift+tab>                             Go to previous view/form entry
  q/<ctrl+c>                              Go back
  ?                                       Show help view

General List Controls

  k/<Up>                                  Move cursor up
  j/<Down>                                Move cursor down
  h<Left>                                 Go to previous page
  l<Right>                                Go to next page
  <ctrl+r>                                Refresh list

Task List View

  a                                       Add a task
  u                                       Update task details
  s                                       Start/stop recording time on a task; stopping
                                              will open up the "Task Log Entry View"
  S                                       Quick switch recording; will save a task log
                                              entry for the currently active task, and
                                              start recording time for another
  <ctrl+s>                                Edit the currently active task log/Add a new
                                              manual task log entry
  <ctrl+x>                                Discard currently active recording
  <ctrl+t>                                Go to currently tracked item
  <ctrl+d>                                Deactivate task

Task Logs List View

  ~ at the end of a task log comment indicates that it has more lines that are not
  visible in the list view

  d                                       Show task log details
  <ctrl+s>/u                              Update task log entry
  <ctrl+d>                                Delete task log entry

Task Log Details View

  h                                       Go to previous entry
  l                                       Go to next entry

Inactive Task List View

  <ctrl+d>                                Activate task

Task Log Entry View

  enter/<ctrl+s>                          Save entered details for the task log
  k                                       Move timestamp backwards by one minute
  j                                       Move timestamp forwards by one minute
  K                                       Move timestamp backwards by five minutes
  J                                       Move timestamp forwards by five minutes
  h                                       Move timestamp backwards by a day
  l                                       Move timestamp forwards by a day


hours is built using bubbletea, and is released using goreleaser, both of which are amazing tools.