CARPE survey website. Fetches data collected with Kobo Toolbox, runs various analysis and shows results on website.
Install Docker and Docker Compose
Register your app with ArcGIS Portal. Enter http://<url>:<port>/oauth/complete/portal/
as redirect URI.
Create file .env
in app folder. Add the following lines
SECRET_KEY=<your django key>
DB_NAME=<pg db name>
DB_USER=<pg user>
DB_PASSWORD=<pg password>
DB_HOST=<pg host>
DB_PORT=<pg port>
PORTAL_URL=<portal url>
PORTAL_KEY=<arcgis portal app key>
PORTAL_SECRET=<arcgis portal app secret>
./ init
follow the command promt
- confirm the static file collection
- and enter the admin user for your site
Afterwards logon to localhost/admin create a new connection using your kobo Toolbox user name and password enter host assets: host api: