This tool connects any PLCs supporting MODBUS TCP or RTU to an MQTT broker, effectively enabling realtime messaging in already existing devices without impacting them. It comes from a project from 2019, but still useful in several contexts.
- Emulates a MODBUS slave
- Low footprint
- Can be run either on a gateway or on the PLC itself
- Cross-platform, cross-architecture
- Supports both TCP and Serial MODBUS masters
- Forwards register write requests (either single,
FC 6
or multiple,FC 16
) to the configured PubSub broker (and topic)
make install
Compile for different architectures, i.e. MIPS Little Endian
GOOS=linux GOARCH=mipsle go build -o ./release/guacamole-mipsel main.go
This method makes use of SSH, key-based auth
make deploy USER=myuser IP=
service modbus-mqtt enable
service modbus-mqtt start