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Adrian Wilke edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 3 revisions

Generate users

./ users2.csv 51 99 generates 49 users in a CSV file ready to generate passwords.

Generate passwords

To generate passwords for a list of users, you can use the script

As an input, it needs a CSV file with lines of the following structure:
universityId,first name,the surname,[email protected]

Start the script using this command:
./ students.csv

At Paderborn University, you can use the PAUL Parser to create such a file. Use the configuration -d "," and -t ifse

Create users

To create users, you can use the scripts and The scripts create linux users als well as users in the nbgrader database.

As an input, it needs a CSV file with lines of the following structure:
universityId,encryptedPassword,first name,the surname,[email protected] This is generated by the script above.

Start the script using this command:
sudo ./ students.ENCRYPTED.csv

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