Toward the end of World 1-1 in Nintendo’s Super Mario Brothers, Mario must ascend a "half-pyramid" of blocks before leaping (if he wants to maximize his score) toward a flag pole. Below is a screenshot.
Write, in a file called mario.c in your ~/Dropbox/pset1 directory, a program that recreates this half-pyramid using hashes (#) for blocks. However, to make things more interesting, first prompt the user for the half-pyramid’s height, a non-negative integer no greater than 23. (The height of the half-pyramid pictured above happens to be 8.) If the user fails to provide a non-negative integer no greater than 23, you should re-prompt for the same again. Then, generate (with the help of printf and one or more loops) the desired half-pyramid. Take care to align the bottom-left corner of your half-pyramid with the left-hand edge of your terminal window, as in the sample output below, wherein underlined text represents some user’s input.
jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset1): ./mario Height: 8 ## ### #### ##### ###### ####### ######## #########
Note that the rightmost two columns of blocks must be of the same height. No need to generate the pipe, clouds, numbers, text, or Mario himself.