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Release conda packages via cmi release

longyang edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. Copy or move the cmi-release bash script to a PATH directory, for example /usr/local/bin/. To view all PATH, run:
echo $PATH
  1. Change to the path directory from the previous step and change the permission of cmi-release in order to run it as executable:
cd /usr/local/bin
chmod +x cmi-release

Check if you can run cmi-release by typing:

cmi-release --help

It should give you a list of options that you can run cmi-release.

  1. Fork one of the diffpy packages (for example diffpy.utils) to your github and clone it to your local working directory. Do not fork and clone diffpy-release.

  2. cd to the cloned directory and check out a new branch.

  3. Run the following command to see the version suggested for the package:

cmi-release tagmessage

This message should show up:

Release X.X.X

See for detailed release notes.

where X.X.X is the suggested version. Run the following command to write the above messsage to a msg file:

cmi-release tagmessage >> msg
  1. Install gpg if you don't have it already. On macOS, you can use brew:
brew install gpg

or alternatively, you can install from source here.

  1. Follow the instructions in this link to add a GPG key to your github account.

  2. Run

git tag --sign --file=msg vX.X.X

Replace X.X.X with the version you want to release.

Should it fail to tag, try the following things:

  • Check if your username and email on the key and git on your machine are consistent with your github username and email. To check the git username and email on your machine, use:
git config --global
git config --global

If these are not your gihub username and email, change them by running:

git config --global <github-username>
git config --global <github-email>

where github-username and github-email are your github username and email with quotation marks, i.e. "abc123".

For your GPG key, the name and email should have been supplied in the previous step. In order to check and change the name, see instructions here.

  • If the above steps are done and you still have errors tagging, try reinstalling GPG using the following instructions and retry step 7 and 8.
brew uninstall gpg
brew install gpg2
brew install pinentry-mac
 # optional
gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
  1. Push your tag to github:
git push origin <tag>

This tag should be the same tag in step 8. To check all the tag, run git tag -l.

Check your release on your Github repo on web. It should show a your new release with the green "Verified" button next to it to confirm that your GPG key was added correctly. For an example, see here.

  1. Build the conda package:
cmi-release conda-build <path-to-recipe>

where path-to-recipe is the path to the conda recipes inside your cloned directory.

  1. Check how many packages conda has produced in step 10. The packages are stored in the conda-bld directory in where Anaconda was installed (i.e. /anaconda3/conda-bld/osx-64/ on macOS)

  2. Upload the package to conda cloud. Frist, upload your package to the private dev channel so it can be tested before releasing to the public. To upload the n-th newest conda package to the dev channel, where n is the number of packages found in step 11, run:

cmi-release dev upload -1 -2 -3 ...

For examples, if conda build produces 4 packages, use cmi-release dev upload -1 -2 -3 -4.

It'll ask for your conda username and password for this step. If you don't have a Anaconda account, make one at If you want to upload to the diffpy dev channel, you need to be added to the diffpy organization. Contact Simon to do so.

  1. Test your release by installing the newly uploaded package:
conda install -c diffpy/label/dev <package-name>
  1. If the test passes, upload your package to the public conda cloud by running the same command in step 12 without the dev label.

  2. Finally, run

cmi-release github

to see a suggested release description for Github.

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