Serverless way to lookup digiasset and digibyte data. Below are instructions on how to get your access keys.
npm install digiasset-lookup
- Follow instructions at
- Forward port 4001 to this machine
- If planning to run this all the time you may want to set IPFS to run on boot. In linux I did that by running
crontab -e
and adding@reboot /usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon
- Create an account at
- Services->IAM
- In left column: Policies
- Blue Create policy button
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
- Blue Review policy button
- name: digiassetX_data
- Blue Create policy
- In left Column: Groups
- Blue Create Group Button
- Group Name: digiassetX_data
- Type digi into search then select digiassetX_data
- Blue Next Step Button
- Blue Create Group Button
- On left panel select Users
- Blue add user button
- user name: digiassetX_data
- Select: Programmatic access
- Blue Next: Permissions button
- select: digiassetX_data
- Blue Next: Tags button
- Blue Next: Review button
- Blue Create user button
- Copy Access key ID and Secret access key into config/config.js
- click Close(make sure you have copied keys there will not be a second chance.
const lookup=require('digiasset-lookup');
accessKeyId: 'Your AWS S3 API Access Key',
secretAccessKey:'Your AWS S3 API Secret Access Key'
//get an addresses data
let addressData=await lookup.getAddress('dgb1qunxh378eltj2jrwza5sj9grvu5xud43vqvudwh');
//get if an address is KYC verified
let kycData=await lookup.getKYC('DSXnZTQABeBrJEU5b2vpnysoGiiZwjKKDY');
//gets an assets rules
let rules=await lookup.getRules('Ua9hJ3q7zKnaRZS9E5frb3Ukon6aBNNgxLX3i5');
//get an exchange rate
let numberOfDGBsatsToEqual1DolarCanadian=await lookup.getExchangeRate({
address: "dgb1qunxh378eltj2jrwza5sj9grvu5xud43vqvudwh",
index: 0,
name: "CAD"