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improve example (#1200)
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- add additional parties
- add test for failure scenario
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matteolimberto-da authored Jan 25, 2024
1 parent 5b5f31b commit 6b3b36c
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Showing 2 changed files with 94 additions and 78 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/main/daml/Daml/Finance/Settlement/HTLC.daml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,9 @@ template HTLC
choice Reveal : ContractId HTLC
actor : Party
-- ^ Choice controller.
secret : Text
-- ^ Secret.
controller actor
verifyAnyState Locked $ Right this
Expand Down
170 changes: 92 additions & 78 deletions src/test/daml/Daml/Finance/Settlement/Test/TransferWithHTLC.daml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import DA.Set qualified as Set (fromList, singleton)
import DA.Text (sha256)
import DA.Time (addRelTime, hours)
import Daml.Finance.Holding.Factory qualified as Holding (Factory(..))
import Daml.Finance.Interface.Settlement.Batch qualified as Batch (Settle(..))
import Daml.Finance.Interface.Settlement.Batch qualified as Batch (Cancel(..), Settle(..))
import Daml.Finance.Interface.Settlement.Factory qualified as SettlementFactory (I, Instruct(..))
import Daml.Finance.Interface.Settlement.Instruction qualified as Instruction (Allocate(..), Approve(..))
import Daml.Finance.Interface.Settlement.Types (Allocation(..), Approval(..), RoutedStep(..))
Expand All @@ -31,14 +31,17 @@ data TestParties = TestParties
bank : Party
-- ^ Acts as custodian in the respective holdings and provider of the holding factories.
-- Acts as issuer and repository of the security instrument.
cb : Party
-- ^ Depository and issuer of the cash instrument.
sender : Party
-- ^ Sends units of cash to receiver.
-- ^ Sends units of security to receiver.
receiver : Party
-- ^ Receives units of security from sender.
cashSender : Party
-- ^ Sends units of cash to receiver.
cashReceiver : Party
-- ^ Receives units of cash from sender.
ccp : Party
-- ^ Central counterparty. Passes through cash from the sender to the receiver.
settler : Party
-- ^ Executes the settlement of the batch.

Expand All @@ -50,11 +53,11 @@ data TestParties = TestParties
-- | structure: | used for: |
-- +------------------+-----------------------+
-- | Bank | |
-- | / \ | commercial bank money |
-- | / \ | securities |
-- | Sender Receiver | |
-- +------------------+-----------------------+
run : Script ()
run = script do
run : Bool -> Script ()
run isHappyPath = script do
-- Create parties
TestParties{..} <- setupParties
Expand All @@ -72,121 +75,132 @@ run = script do
observers = Map.fromList observersWithContext

-- Create accounts
[senderAccount, receiverAccount] <- mapA (Account.createAccount "Cash Account" []
[senderAccount, receiverAccount] <- mapA (Account.createAccount "Security Account" []
accountFactoryCid holdingFactory [] Account.Owner bank) [sender, receiver]

-- Distribute asset
now <- getTime
cashInstrument <- Instrument.originate cb cb "USD" Transferable "United States Dollar" [] now
holdingCid <- [] cashInstrument 200_000.0 senderAccount
securityInstrument <- Instrument.originate bank bank "SECURITY" Transferable "A Security" [] now

securityCid <- [] securityInstrument 1000.0 senderAccount

-- Create settlement factory
settlementFactoryCid <- toInterfaceContractId @SettlementFactory.I <$>
submit bank do createCmd Settlement.FactoryWithHTLC with provider = bank; observers

-- Routes settlement step
routedSteps = [RoutedStep with
custodian = bank
quantity = qty 200_000.0 cashInstrument]

-- 1. Instruct
-- (i.e., the sender chooses secret and instructs)
now <- getTime

-- Settlement step
secret = "dfgrhtdnni46rhf"
expiry = addRelTime now $ hours 12
hash = sha256 secret
batchId = Id "transfer abc"
instructor = sender
consenters = mempty
settlers = Set.singleton receiver
(batchCid, [cashInstructionCid]) <- submit instructor do
routedSteps =
[ RoutedStep with sender; receiver; custodian = bank; quantity = qty 1_000.0 securityInstrument

let batchId = Id "transfer abc"

(batchCid, [securityInstructionCid]) <- submit bank do
exerciseCmd settlementFactoryCid SettlementFactory.Instruct with
instructor = bank
consenters = mempty
settlers = Set.singleton bank
id = batchId
description = "transfer of USD 200000.0 payment"
description = "transfer of 1000 units of security conditional on 200000 units of cash"
contextId = None
settlementTime = None
-- Create associated HTLC
htlcCid <- submit sender do

secret = "dfgrhtdnni46rhf"
expiry = addRelTime now $ hours 12
hash = sha256 secret

htlcCid <- submit bank do
createCmd HTLC with
observers = mempty
instructor = bank
consenters = mempty
settlers = Set.singleton bank -- do we validate this against the batch?
observers = Set.fromList [sender, receiver, cashSender, cashReceiver, settler]
state = HTLC.Open

-- 2. Allocate and Approve
-- Allocate instruction
(cashInstructionCid, _) <- submit sender do
exerciseCmd cashInstructionCid Instruction.Allocate with
actors = Set.singleton sender; allocation = Pledge holdingCid
-- Holding is locked
Some cashInstruction <- queryInterfaceContractId sender cashInstructionCid
let Pledge holdingCid = cashInstruction.allocation

-- Allocate instruction and lock the holding
(securityInstructionCid, _) <- submit sender do
exerciseCmd securityInstructionCid Instruction.Allocate with
actors = Set.singleton sender; allocation = Pledge securityCid

Some securityInstruction <- queryInterfaceContractId sender securityInstructionCid

let Pledge holdingCid = securityInstruction.allocation
Some lockable <- queryInterfaceContractId sender (toInterfaceContractId @Lockable.I holdingCid)
assertMsg "holding is locked" $ isSome lockable.lock

-- Approve instruction
cashInstructionCid <- submit receiver do
exerciseCmd cashInstructionCid Instruction.Approve with
actors = Set.singleton receiver; approval = TakeDelivery receiverAccount
-- Receiver can unapprove
cashInstructionCid <- submit receiver do
exerciseCmd cashInstructionCid Instruction.Approve with
actors = Set.singleton receiver; approval = Unapproved
-- Approve instruction
cashInstructionCid <- submit receiver do
exerciseCmd cashInstructionCid Instruction.Approve with
securityInstructionCid <- submit receiver do
exerciseCmd securityInstructionCid Instruction.Approve with
actors = Set.singleton receiver; approval = TakeDelivery receiverAccount

-- 3. Lock Batch and Instructions
-- Lock Batch and Instructions (such that they can't be backed out of)
htlcCid <- submit instructor do
htlcCid <- submit bank do
exerciseCmd htlcCid HTLC.Lock

-- Receiver can't unapprove (as locked)
submitMustFail receiver do
exerciseCmd cashInstructionCid Instruction.Approve with
exerciseCmd securityInstructionCid Instruction.Approve with
actors = Set.singleton receiver; approval = Unapproved

-- Sender can no longer unallocate (as locked)
submitMustFail sender do
exerciseCmd cashInstructionCid Instruction.Allocate with
exerciseCmd securityInstructionCid Instruction.Allocate with
actors = Set.singleton sender; allocation = Unallocated

-- Settler can't settle (as locked)
submitMustFail receiver do
exerciseCmd batchCid Batch.Settle with actors = Set.singleton receiver

-- 4. Lock on second chain
-- (i.e., the sender locks asset/cash on second chain)
if isHappyPath
then do
submit cashSender do
exerciseCmd htlcCid HTLC.Reveal with actor = cashSender; secret

-- 5. Settle on second chain
-- (i.e., the sender claims asset/cash on the second chain by revealing the secret)
[securityHoldingCid] <- submit bank do
exerciseCmd batchCid Batch.Settle with actors = Set.singleton bank

-- 6. Reveal secret
submit receiver do
exerciseCmd htlcCid HTLC.Reveal with actor = receiver; secret
-- Assert state
let ts = [(receiver, securityHoldingCid)]
Holding.verifyOwnerOfHolding ts
Holding.verifyNoObservers ts
pure ()
else do
-- cannot cancel before expiry
submitMultiMustFail [bank, sender, receiver] [] do
exerciseCmd batchCid Batch.Cancel with actors = Set.fromList [bank, sender, receiver]

-- 7. Settle
[cashHoldingCid] <- submit receiver do
exerciseCmd batchCid Batch.Settle with actors = Set.singleton receiver
-- wait for expiry
setTime $ addRelTime expiry $ hours 1

[securityHoldingCid] <- submitMulti [bank, sender, receiver] [] do
exerciseCmd batchCid Batch.Cancel with actors = Set.fromList [bank, sender, receiver]

-- Assert state
let ts = [(sender, securityHoldingCid)]
Holding.verifyOwnerOfHolding ts
Holding.verifyNoObservers ts
pure ()

-- Assert state
let ts = [(receiver, cashHoldingCid)]
Holding.verifyOwnerOfHolding ts
Holding.verifyNoObservers ts
runHappyPath : Script ()
runHappyPath = run True

pure ()
runFailurePath : Script ()
runFailurePath = run False

setupParties : Script TestParties
setupParties = do
[cb, bank, sender, receiver, ccp, settler] <-
createParties ["CentralBank", "Bank", "Sender", "Receiver", "CCP", "Settler"]
pure TestParties with cb; bank; sender; receiver; ccp; settler
[cb, bank, sender, receiver, cashSender, cashReceiver, settler] <-
createParties ["CentralBank", "Bank", "Sender", "Receiver", "CashSender", "CashReceiver", "Settler"]
pure TestParties with cb; bank; sender; receiver; cashSender; cashReceiver; settler

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