Author: Olivier Emery, Digital Epidemiology Lab (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL) Campus Biotech Geneva, Switzerland Date v1.0: August 26th 2019 Date v2.0: December 23rd 2020
WIMF (for What's In My Food) is an open source experimental automated bioinformatic pipeline to identify which plants and animals are present in food based on DNA sequences obtained from food samples sequenced with the MinIon instrument (Oxford Nanopore Technologies). The first version was developped in August 2019 in the context of the Open Food Repo DNA project which is a part of the Open Food Repo initiative. It is a follow up to the Food Repo DNA workshop held on May 25th 2019 in collaboration with the biohacking association Hackuarium and the DNA-based food certification company SwissDeCode in order to analyze the sequencing data obtained. Additional food DNA sequencing data from SwissDeCode were also used to develop WIMF.
Please find the full manual to install and use
WIMF v1.0, including disclaimer, in the following PDF (included when cloning the repository):
WIMF v2.0 including disclaimer and new features of version 2, in the following PDF (included when cloning the repository):