Search through Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu's talks.
- Sources:
- Deployed at:
- dhammatalks [before 20211003]
- structured data file: dateId, ytid, author, channel -> re-index
- complete remaining 1k files
- Core
- AzSearch infra
- Front end
- Search results
- Play
- View subtitle
- Add CI
- Suttas
- Core v1
- Play from specific time
- Index transcribed audio
- Short dhammatalks
- Lectures & longer talks
- Download metadata of all videos in channel:
youtube-dl --write-info-json --skip-download "" --playlist-start 1
- In case of crash in the above, terminates prematurely, use
to resume from cursor - Download all subtitles:
dir *.json | % { $_.FullName.Substring($_.FullName.Length - 21, 11) } | % { youtube-dl --skip-download --write-auto-sub --sub-format srv1 "$($_)" }
dir -rec -filt *.srv1 .\yt\ | % { ..\format.ps1 $_.FullName -Author ydb -Channel main }
azcopy copy ".\talks\dt\*.json" "" --recursive
$apiKey = 'D0CA5AF719558AA344C3111934DA874D';
$headers = @{ "api-key" = $apiKey; "Accept" = "application/json; odata.metadata=none" }
$res = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ' as companion&searchMode=all&searchFields=content&highlight=content&highlightPreTag=<XXX>&highlightPostTag=</XXX>' -Headers $headers