A framework to build reusable, super fast, highly customizable, extensible and local integrated workflow solutions for all kinds of apps. You can think about Kalabox as a super-fast, highly-customizable Vagrant for containers.
With Kalabox you can
- Easily mimic your production environment on local
- Setup, develop, and deploy your sites super fast.
- Standardize your teams dev environments and tools on OSX, Windows and Linux.
- Easily customize or extend tooling, deployment options and basically any other functionality.
For more info on how you can do some of the above check out the wiki.
This project is currently under heavy development and is changing quickly.
Please make sure that you have installed nodejs first and that it has the correct permissions. If you get EACCESS
errors on npm install
then schedule an appointment with the Doc.
npm install kalabox -g
kbox provision
If you've already installed Kalabox and it's pre-version 0.9.0 you should consider uninstalling first.
If you're running a pre 0.9.0 or lower you can be risky and check out the easy update guide.
If you are interested in contributing to the project check out the developer installation guide.
Kalabox is all about quickly setting up repeatable sets of infrastructure so you can start developing the next best thing. While you can manually create your own apps and profiles to use in your own Kalabox we've put together some basic ones to get you started with your Drupal or Backdrop or Wordpress project.
cd /dir/i/want/my/app/to/live
kbox create backdrop -- --name="My App"
cd my-app
kbox start
kbox # This will list all the fun commands you get in your app
cd code # This is where your code can live.
# Site is available at http(s)://my-app.kbox
We also now offer support for Pantheon. You can easily pull your sites down from Pantheon or push up changes... and you do ALL THE DEV on a Pantheon-on-Kalabox environment. This means solr, redis, terminatur, wp-cli and drush are all instantly at your fingertips and they all work just like they do on Pantheon.
For more in depth instructions on getting these apps spun up and your sites imported check out both our Drupal, Backdrop or Pantheon guides.
Please also note that you can pass in a bunch of options to kbox create
so make sure to check out the options for each create task by running it with -- -h
first. Here is an example of what is possible for a Drupal app.
kbox create pantheon -- -h
-h, --help Display help message. [boolean]
-v, --verbose Use verbose output. [boolean]
--email Pantheon dashboard email. [string]
--password Pantheon dashboard password. [string]
--uuid Pantheon site machine name. [string]
--env Pantheon site environment. [string]
--name The name of your app. [string]
--php-version PHP version? [string]
--git-username Your git username. [string]
--git-email Your git email. [string]
--build-local Build images locally instead of pulling them remotely.
--dir Creates the app in this directory. Defaults to CWD. [string]
You can run kbox
at any point to see the usage, commands and options available to you. You will also get additional commands when you are in an app folder.
Here is an example of kbox
from a non-app directory.
Usage: kbox <command> [-- <options>]
kbox apps -- -h
kbox config -- --verbose
apps Display list of apps.
config Display the kbox configuration.
containers Display list of all installed kbox containers.
backdrop Creates a backdrop app.
drupal Creates a Drupal app.
pantheon Creates a Pantheon app.
down Bring kbox container engine down.
ip Display kbox container engine's ip address.
provision Install or update kbox and its dependencies.
query Run a command against a container.
status Display status of kbox container engine.
up Bring kbox container engine up.
version Display the kbox version.
-h, --help Display help message. [boolean]
-v, --verbose Use verbose output. [boolean]
Kalabox uses syncthing to share your files between the container and your OS. Syncthing is also still in development so if you are experiencing trouble check out our syncthing guide.
- API docs
- Test coverage reports
- Kalabox CI dash
- Mountain climbing advice
- Boot2Docker
- Syncthing
- Docker
(C) 2015 Kalamuna and friends and things