Platzi Travel is a web project created as part of the Tailwind CSS course on Platzi. This website showcases various travel destinations and includes a user profile page. It was developed using HTML, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS.
HTML: The structure and layout of the web pages are built using HTML.
JavaScript: Dynamic features and interactivity are implemented using JavaScript.
Tailwind CSS: The styling and design of the website are crafted with Tailwind CSS, providing a sleek and responsive user interface.
Destination Showcase: Explore a curated list of travel destinations with beautiful images and information.
User Profile: Visit the user profile page to view your personal information.
Theming: Platzi Travel supports both light and dark themes. The theme is automatically selected based on your system preferences. You can also manually switch between themes.
- 🚀 Code by Diego Huaccha Diestra
- 🎨 Design by Platzi