car projects: these are the porjects me and my friend @hadiyadollahi are collecting so that we can do some of them, in our free time, and see what comes out of them however , things listed here are just basic ideas that will become better documented over time...
while somehow inspired by flexihub,
the basic idea is to have a music player,but way cooler!
you can connect usb drives wirelessly to it!
this way, the number of simultaneously connected devices can increase significantly, limited to the wifi chip design;
it can become even better, if you can control the player wirelessly, as well.
awesome , is'nt it? 😄
- one for acting as an Access Point
- one for being the station
a USB flash drive
the esp8266 chip is one of the most awesome chips I've ever discovered i've found some tutorials related to using it.some firmwares, like a upython port, and an elua firmware! the possibilities are limitless!
- currently none ;)
the LM35 is an integrated circuit sensor that can be used to measure temperature with an electrical output proportional to the temperature (in OC).
- arduino board
- LM35 temperature sensor IC
- usb with type A&B connectors
LM35 temperature sensor can be measured. we will integrate this with the arduino to measure the temperature. the arduino will then read this measure value from the LM35 & translate into degrees fahrenheit and celsius, which we will be able to read from the computer from the arduino serial monitor.