A Peer to peer decentralised crypto marketplace where user can sell and buy polygon chain cryptocurrencies using any payment method.
-> Data was uploaded to IPFS (code1) (code2) (code3)
-> polyDex was deployed on Filecoin using Spheron
Smarts contracts are deployed to polygon mumbai testnet (contract link)
Used Chainlink datafeeds for getting price data of Polygon (code)
polyDex enables users to sell and buy polygon chain cryptocurrencies using any payment method like paytm,paypal,phonepe and google pay etc.
polyDex was built by using Next and TailwindCSS for frontend
- Solidity for smart contracts and hardhat for testing and deploying the smart contracts to Mumbai testnet
- It uses web3.storage for storing data in IPFS
- polyDex was hosted on Filecoin using Spheron
- Uploading and retrieving the data From IPFS.
- Learnt integration of chianlink data feeds in smart contract
Right now polyDex was only available in Polygon chain,adding more chains was the future plan