This repository provides an up-to-date list of loss functions proposed for solving the object detection problem, which includes both the 2D/3D, axis-aligned/rotated object detection tasks.
- Ground Truth Label Assignment
1.1 One-to-Many Assignment
1.2 One-to-One Assignment - Classification Losses
2.1 Classical Classification Losses
2.2 Sampling-based Approaches
2.3 Re-weighting-based Approaches
2.4 Gradient-based Approaches
2.5 Ranking-based Approaches - Regression Losses
3.1 Scale Imbalance Issue
3.2 Optimization Issue
3.3 Outlier Problem - Loss Function for Oriented Object Detection
4.1 Boundary Discontinuity Problem
4.2 Complicated-IoU-Computation-Issue - Future Research Directions
5.1 Unifying Classification and Localisation Tasks
5.2 Automation Loss Function Searching
5.3 End-to-end Object Detection
5.4 Mulit-tasks Learning
- Many object detectors are designed with this strategy such as RCNN Series, One-stage, Two-stages Anchor-based Anchor-free, and many 3D detectors;
- DETR based object detectors, such as:
-End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers. [Paper]
-End-to-end object detection with fully convolutional network. [Paper]
-Rethinking transformerbased set prediction for object detection. [Paper]
-Sparse r-cnn: End-to-end object detection with learnable proposals. [Paper]
-Deformable DETR: Deformable transformers for end-to-end object detection. [Paper]
-Pnp-detr: towards efficient visual analysis with transformers. [Paper]
-Conditional detr for fast training convergence. [Paper]
- Boosting series,such as AdaBoost etc:
- Support Vector Manchine.
- Offline Sampling-based Approaches.
-Many object detectors are designed with this strategy such as RCNN Series, One-stage, Two-stages Anchor-based Anchor-free, and many 3D detectors;
-CBGS: Class-balanced Grouping and Sampling for Point Cloud 3D Object Detection. [Paper]
-Copy-and-Paste: PointRCNN, CenterPoint, SECOND, PointPillars, etc.
-Rendering-based Copy and Paste: LiDAR-Aug: A General Rendering-based Augmentation Framework for 3D Object Detection. [Paper] - Online Sampling-based Approaches.
-Training Region-based Object Detectors with Online Hard Example Mining. [Paper]
-S-OHEM: Stratified Online Hard Example Mining for Object Detection. [Paper]
-Libra R-CNN: Towards Balanced Learning for Object Detection. [Paper]
-Prime Sample Attention in Object Detection. [Paper]
-Generating Positive Bounding Boxes for Balanced Training of Object Detectors. [Paper]
-Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection. [Paper]
-Focal Loss in 3D Object Detection. [Paper]
-Automated focal loss for image based object detection. [Paper]
-Spatial focal loss for pedestrian detection in fisheye imagery. [Paper]
-Focal text: an accurate text detection with focal loss. [Paper]
-Class-discriminative focal loss for extreme imbalanced multiclass object detection towards autonomous driving. [Paper]
-Dldenet: Deep local directional embeddings with increased foreground focal loss for object detection. [Paper]
-Equalization loss for long-tailed object recognition. [Paper]
-Gradient harmonized single-stage detector. [Paper]
-Equalization loss v2: A new gradient balance approach for long-tailed object detection. [Paper]
-Droploss for longtail instance segmentation. [Paper]
-Distribution-balanced loss for multi-label classification in long-tailed datasets. [Paper]
-Distributional robustness loss for long-tail learning. [Paper]
-Adaptive class suppression loss for long-tail object detection. [Paper]
-Seesaw loss for long-tailed instance segmentation. [Paper]
-Towards accurate one-stage object detection with ap-loss. [Paper]
-Ap-loss for accurate one-stage object detection. [Paper]
-Dr loss: Improving object detection by distributional ranking. [Paper]
-Rank & sort loss for object detection and instance segmentation. [Paper]
-A ranking-based, balanced loss function unifying classification and localisation in object detection. [Paper]
-Rankdetnet: Delving into ranking constraints for object detection. [Paper]
-Tackling class imbalance with ranking. [Paper]
-Combining ranking with traditional methods for ordinal class imbalance. [Paper]
-A scale balanced loss for bounding box regression. [Paper]
-Scaloss: Side and corner aligned loss for bounding box regression. [Paper]
-Scale-balanced loss for object detection. [Paper]
-Unitbox: An advanced object detection network. [Paper]
-Generalized Intersection over Union: A Metric and A Loss for Bounding Box Regression. [Paper]
-Distance-iou loss: Faster and better learning for bounding box regression. [Paper]
-Focal and efficient iou loss for accurate bounding box regression. [Paper]
-Alpha-iou:A family of power intersection over union losses for bounding box regression. [Paper]
-IoU Loss for 2D/3D Object Detection. [Paper]
-Libra R-CNN: Towards Balanced Learning for Object Detection. [Paper]
-Iou-balanced loss functions for single-stage object detection. [Paper]
-Improving object localization with fitness nms and bounded iou loss. [Paper]
-Scrdet: Towards more robust detection for small, cluttered and rotated objects. [Paper]
-Bounding box projection for regression uncertainty in oriented object detection. [Paper]
-Learning modulated loss for rotated object detection. [Paper]
-Oriented object detection in aerial images with box boundary-aware vectors. [Paper]
-3d bounding box estimation using deep learning and geometry. [Paper]
-Dense label encoding for boundary discontinuity free rotation detection. [Paper]
-On the arbitrary-oriented object detection: Classification based approaches revisited. [Paper]
-IoU Loss for 2D/3D Object Detection. [Paper]
-Piou loss: Towards accurate oriented object detection in complex environments. [Paper]
-Rethinking rotated object detection with gaussian wasserstein distance loss. [Paper]
-Gaussian bounding boxes and probabilistic intersection-over-union for object detection. [Paper]
-The kfiou loss for rotated object detection. [Paper]
-A normalized gaussian wasserstein distance for tiny object detection. [Paper]
-Learning high-precision bounding box for rotated object detection via kullback-leibler divergence. [Paper]
-Acquisition of localization confidence for accurate object detection. [Paper]
-Ap-loss for accurate one-stage object detection. [Paper]
-A ranking-based, balanced loss function unifying classification and localisation in object detection. [Paper]
-Amlfs: Automl for loss function search. [Paper]
-Loss function discovery for object detection via convergence-simulation driven search. [Paper]
-Autoloss-zero: Searching loss functions from scratch for generic tasks. [Paper]
-Searching parameterized ap loss for object detection. [Paper]
- DETR based object detectors, such as:
-End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers. [Paper]
-End-to-end object detection with fully convolutional network. [Paper]
-Rethinking transformerbased set prediction for object detection. [Paper]
-Sparse r-cnn: End-to-end object detection with learnable proposals. [Paper]
-Deformable DETR: Deformable transformers for end-to-end object detection. [Paper]
-Pnp-detr: towards efficient visual analysis with transformers. [Paper]
-Conditional detr for fast training convergence. [Paper]