Find the deployed app here .
- Run this command to run a postgresql instance. Connect the db with table plus or something.
docker-compose up postgres -d
- Copy all the queries from
- Run the queries at once to create all the tables.
Run this command to run a postgresql instance in docker container and the etl command of the app.
make etl-local
make test
This is open a browser tab with graphical coverage report
make test-coverage
This app will be running on port 8080.
make development-serve
This api returns list of open restaurants on a particular time. It takes
current time of the system in utc if no date_time
query param is provided.
Method : GET
Query Params:
- date_time (ex - date_time=04/07/2019%2010:48%20PM)
"success": true,
"message": "request successful!",
"status_code": 200,
"data": [
"id": "29881887-10a4-4d50-a573-112973dfe4fd",
"name": "Danton's Gulf Coast Seafood Kitchen"
"id": "5566994d-e97c-4f3c-98fd-5e78e497ee23",
"name": "The Local House"
"success": false,
"message": "bad format of date time",
"status_code": 400
Provides a list of restaurant which have items which maintains the condition low_price >= price <= high_price and the count of the items in the range for a restaurant is > more_than or count < less_than
Method : GET
Query Params:
- less_than (ex - 2)
- more_than (ex - 10)
- price_low (ex-20) // low range of price
- price_high (ex-400) // high range of price
"success": true,
"message": "request successful!",
"status_code": 200,
"data": [
"id": "a069a467-fefd-41e8-a3f8-555e32e0ddb4",
"name": "2G Japanese Brasserie"
"id": "3d525611-3988-4ae8-b60d-c25c806aeec9",
"name": "60 Degrees Mastercrafted"
"success": false,
"message": "both more_than and less_than param can't be empty",
"status_code": 400
Provides a list of restaurant which matches with the search term.
Method : GET
Query Params:
- q (ex - piz)
"success": true,
"message": "request successful!",
"status_code": 200,
"data": [
"id": "b6e35136-ab76-49cf-8ae2-a39b962c03af",
"name": "Pizza Burg"
"id": "40ef288d-bbf3-4947-a8e8-3b8d033e094d",
"name": "Pier W"
"success": false,
"message": "search term 'q' missing",
"status_code": 400
Provides a list of dishes which matches with the search term.
Method : GET
Query Params:
- q (ex - piz)
"success": true,
"message": "request successful!",
"status_code": 200,
"data": [
"id": "96f84b6b-a7a3-4fd1-a819-2e9468675773",
"name": "Pie",
"price": 10.1
"id": "708a3685-2be4-4bcd-8149-cf8a4988d81e",
"name": "Pie",
"price": 10.3
"success": false,
"message": "search term 'q' missing",
"status_code": 400
This api is used to purchase a dish from a restaurant. This is give 406 status code with current balance of the user if the balance is lower than the dish price. The requested dish needs to belong to the requested restaurant.
Method : POST
- user_id (ex - 552)
Request Body:
"restaurant_id": "00017a27-5fcc-4e01-acab-b791aa0a6292",
"menu_id": "0d9625a0-1298-40f2-b168-167b4ad70d74"
"success": true,
"message": "purchased successfully!",
"status_code": 202,
"data": {
"current_balance": 3.5099998
"success": false,
"message": "not a valid request body",
"status_code": 400
"success": false,
"message": "restaurant or dish does not exist",
"status_code": 404
"success": false,
"message": "you don't have enough cash to buy this dish! you have $3.51",
"status_code": 406