- Try to fix floating point exception. #696
- Fix directvt protocol deadlock on unix platforms. #430 (comment)
- Implement focused window actions (actions are applied to all focused windows).
Action Parameters Description AlwaysOnTopWindow none, boolean Toggle AlwaysOnTop window flag. WarpWindow l, r, t, b
Move left, right, top, bottom window sides by corresponding integer deltas l, r, t, b
.CloseWindow Close window. MinimizeWindow Minimize window. MaximizeWindow Maximize window. FullscreenWindow Make window fullscreen.
Default settings:
<desktop key*> <!-- Desktop layer key bindings. -->
<key="Ctrl+PageUp" action=FocusPrevWindow/> <!-- Switch focus to the next desktop window. -->
<key="Ctrl+PageDown" action=FocusNextWindow/> <!-- Switch focus to the previous desktop window. -->
<key="Shift+F7" action=Disconnect/> <!-- Disconnect from the desktop. -->
<key="F10" preview action=TryToQuit/> <!-- Shut down the desktop server if no applications are running. -->
<key="Alt+Shift+N" action=RunApplication/> <!-- Run default application. -->
<key="" action=AlwaysOnTopWindow/><!-- Toggle AlwaysOnTop flag on all focused windows. -->
<key="" action=CloseWindow/> <!-- Close all focused desktop windows. -->
<key="" action=MinimizeWindow/> <!-- Minimize all focused desktop windows. -->
<key="Esc+F11" action=MaximizeWindow/> <!-- Maximize all focused desktop windows. -->
<key="Esc+F12" action=FullscreenWindow/> <!-- Fullscreen the first focused desktop window. -->
<key=""><action=WarpWindow data="0,0,0,0"/></key> <!-- Warp desktop window. The data parameter specifies four deltas for the left, right, top and bottom window sides. -->
<key="Esc+LeftArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 1,-1, 0, 0"/></key> <!-- Move window to the left. -->
<key="Esc+RightArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data="-1, 1, 0, 0"/></key> <!-- Move window to the right. -->
<key="Esc+UpArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 0, 0, 1,-1"/></key> <!-- Move window up. -->
<key="Esc+DownArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 0, 0,-1, 1"/></key> <!-- Move window down. -->
<key="Esc+LeftArrow+UpArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 0, 0, 0,-1"/></key> <!-- Move bottom side of window up. -->
<key="Esc+LeftArrow+DownArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 0, 0, 0, 1"/></key> <!-- Move bottom side of window down. -->
<key="Esc+RightArrow+UpArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 0, 0, 1, 0"/></key> <!-- Move top side of window up. -->
<key="Esc+RightArrow+DownArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 0, 0,-1, 0"/></key> <!-- Move top side of window down. -->
<key="Esc+UpArrow+LeftArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 1, 0, 0, 0"/></key> <!-- Move left side of window to left. -->
<key="Esc+UpArrow+RightArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data="-1, 0, 0, 0"/></key> <!-- Move left side of window to right. -->
<key="Esc+DownArrow+RightArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 0, 1, 0, 0"/></key> <!-- Move right side of window to right. -->
<key="Esc+DownArrow+LeftArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 0,-1, 0, 0"/></key> <!-- Move right side of window to left. -->
<key="Ctrl+LeftArrow+DownArrow | Ctrl+DownArrow+LeftArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 1, 0, 0, 1"/></key> <!-- Move the bottom left corner of the window outward. -->
<key="Ctrl+RightArrow+DownArrow | Ctrl+DownArrow+RightArrow"><action=WarpWindow data=" 0, 1, 0, 1"/></key> <!-- Move the bottom right corner outside. -->
<key="Ctrl+LeftArrow+UpArrow | Ctrl+UpArrow+LeftArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 1, 0, 1, 0"/></key> <!-- Move the top left corner of the window outward. -->
<key="Ctrl+RightArrow+UpArrow | Ctrl+UpArrow+RightArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 0, 1, 1, 0"/></key> <!-- Move the top right corner of the window outward. -->
<key="Alt+LeftArrow+DownArrow | Alt+DownArrow+LeftArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 0,-1,-1, 0"/></key> <!-- Move the top left corner of the window inward. -->
<key="Alt+RightArrow+DownArrow | Alt+DownArrow+RightArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data="-1, 0,-1, 0"/></key> <!-- Move the top right corner of the window inward. -->
<key="Alt+LeftArrow+UpArrow | Alt+UpArrow+LeftArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data=" 0,-1, 0,-1"/></key> <!-- Move the bottom left corner of the window inward. -->
<key="Alt+RightArrow+UpArrow | Alt+UpArrow+RightArrow"> <action=WarpWindow data="-1, 0, 0,-1"/></key> <!-- Move the bottom right corner of the window inward. -->