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bugfix: Both dkml/with-dkml need guards
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+ Do not set --yes when creating playground
>> Gives user the chance
to look at the build directory
on failures

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jonahbeckford committed Nov 28, 2023
1 parent 76fc04b commit 7e6d181
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Showing 6 changed files with 81 additions and 41 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/dkml-exe/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,6 +116,10 @@ let create_local_switch ~system_cfg ~scripts_dir_fp ~yes ~non_system_compiler

let run f_setup localdir_fp_opt yes non_system_compiler system_only
enable_imprecise_c99_float_ops disable_sandboxing =
let ( let* ) = Result.bind in
let* (_has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process : bool) =
Dkml_runtimelib.Dkml_environment.mark_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process ()
let enable_imprecise_c99_float_ops =
if enable_imprecise_c99_float_ops then Some () else None
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dkml-exe/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ let setup () =
Rresult.R.error_to_msg ~pp_error:Fmt.string
(Dkml_c_probe.C_abi.V2.get_abi_name ())
>>= fun target_platform_name ->
Dkml_runtimelib.Dkml_environment.set_msys2_entries ~minimize_sideeffects:false
Dkml_runtimelib.Dkml_environment.set_msys2_entries ~has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process:false
>>= fun () ->
(* Diagnostics *)
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30 changes: 27 additions & 3 deletions src/runtimelib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,30 @@ open Dkml_context
open Bos
open Astring

let guard_envname = "DKML_GUARD"

(** Marks this process as a DkML environment mutating process if there is no
such process as an ancestor.
DkML environment mutations are:
- setting DkML compiler environment variables like INCLUDE and LIB for MSVC
- initializing the DkML system (OCaml compiler, opam root, etc.)
Returns true if and only if an ancestor (either ["dkml.exe"] or ["with-dkml.exe"])
had been marked as DkML environment mutating. *)
let mark_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process () =
let guard_value = OS.Env.opt_var guard_envname ~absent:"0" in
let pid_str = Int.to_string (Unix.getpid ()) in
let has_ancestor =
(not (String.equal guard_value "0"))
&& not (String.equal guard_value pid_str)
if has_ancestor then Ok true
let ( let* ) = Result.bind in
let* () = OS.Env.set_var guard_envname (Some pid_str) in
Ok false

let platform_path_norm s =
match Dkml_c_probe.C_abi.V2.get_os () with
| Ok IOS | Ok OSX | Ok Windows -> String.Ascii.lowercase s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,7 +58,7 @@ let prune_path_of_msys2 prefix =
(** Set the MSYSTEM environment variable to MSYS and place MSYS2 binaries at the front of the PATH.
Any existing MSYS2 binaries in the PATH will be removed.
let set_msys2_entries ~minimize_sideeffects target_platform_name =
let set_msys2_entries ~has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process target_platform_name =
Lazy.force get_msys2_dir_opt >>= function
| None -> R.ok ()
| Some msys2_dir ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,12 +140,12 @@ let set_msys2_entries ~minimize_sideeffects target_platform_name =
OS.Env.set_var "MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL" (Some "*") >>= fun () ->
(* 3. Remove MSYS2 entries, if any, from PATH
_unless_ we are minimizing side-effects *)
(if minimize_sideeffects then Ok ()
(if has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process then Ok ()
else prune_path_of_msys2 msystem_prefix)
>>= fun () ->
(* 4. Add MSYS2 <prefix>/bin and /usr/bin to front of PATH
_unless_ we are minimizing side-effects. *)
if minimize_sideeffects then Ok ()
if has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process then Ok ()
OS.Env.req_var "PATH" >>= fun path ->
OS.Env.set_var "PATH"
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/runtimelib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ let create_playground_switch ~system_cfg ~ocaml_home_fp ~opamroot_dir_fp =
Fpath.to_string create_switch_fp;
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/with-dkml/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ let init_nativecode_system_if_necessary () =
3. ["../lib/ocaml/stublibs"] and ["../share/bc/lib/stublibs"] are added to
the PATH on Windows (or LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix) if the directories exist.
let create_and_setenv_if_necessary () =
let create_and_setenv_if_necessary ~has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process () =
let ( let* ) = Rresult.R.( >>= ) in
let ( let+ ) = Rresult.R.( >>| ) in
let* env_exe_wrapper = Dkml_runtimelib.Dkml_environment.env_exe_wrapper () in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,7 +436,12 @@ let create_and_setenv_if_necessary () =
setup_nativecode_env ~abs_cmd_p
let* () =
if bytecode_exe then Ok () else init_nativecode_system_if_necessary ()
match (has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process, bytecode_exe) with
| true, _ ->
(* never init system when perhaps we are already initting system *)
Ok ()
| false, true -> Ok ()
| false, false -> init_nativecode_system_if_necessary ()
Ok (env_exe_wrapper @ [ Fpath.to_string real_exe ] @ args)
| _ ->
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76 changes: 42 additions & 34 deletions src/with-dkml/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -519,45 +519,49 @@ let set_3p_program_entries cache_keys =

let main_with_result () =
let ( let* ) = R.( >>= ) in

(* ZEROTH, check and set a recursion guard so that only one set
of environment mutations is performed.
The following env mutations will still happen:
1. [create_and_setenv_if_necessary ()] like initializing the DkML system
2. On Windows, [set_msys2_entries ()] like MSYSTEM
let* has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process =
mark_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process ()

(* Setup logging *)
Fmt_tty.setup_std_outputs ();
Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ());
let dbt = OS.Env.value "DKML_BUILD_TRACE" OS.Env.string ~absent:"OFF" in
dbt = "ON"
&& OS.Env.value "DKML_BUILD_TRACE_LEVEL" int_parser ~absent:0 >= 2
then Logs.set_level (Some Logs.Debug)
else if dbt = "ON" then Logs.set_level (Some Logs.Info)
else Logs.set_level (Some Logs.Warning);

(* ZEROTH, check and set a recursion guard so that only one environment
modification is performed.
The following env modifications will still happen:
1. create_and_setenv_if_necessary ()
2. msystem
let original_guard = OS.Env.opt_var "WITHDKML_GUARD" ~absent:"0" in
OS.Env.set_var "WITHDKML_GUARD" (Some "1") >>= fun () ->
let minimize_sideeffects = "1" = original_guard in
if minimize_sideeffects then
Logs.debug (fun l ->
"Skipping most environment variable configuration because we are in \
subprocess of some with-dkml.exe");

Lazy.force get_dkmlversion_or_default >>= fun dkmlversion ->
Lazy.force get_dkmlmode_or_default >>= fun dkmlmode ->
Rresult.R.error_to_msg ~pp_error:Fmt.string
(Dkml_c_probe.C_abi.V2.get_abi_name ())
>>= fun target_abi ->
(if has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process then
(* Incredibly important that we do not print unexpected output.
For example, [opam install ocaml-system] -> [ocamlc -vnum]
the [ocamlc -vnum] must print 4.14.0 (or whatever the version is).
It must not print any logs, even to standard error. *)
Logs.set_level (Some Logs.Error)
let dbt = OS.Env.value "DKML_BUILD_TRACE" OS.Env.string ~absent:"OFF" in
dbt = "ON"
&& OS.Env.value "DKML_BUILD_TRACE_LEVEL" int_parser ~absent:0 >= 2
then Logs.set_level (Some Logs.Debug)
else if dbt = "ON" then Logs.set_level (Some Logs.Info)
else Logs.set_level (Some Logs.Warning));

let* dkmlversion = Lazy.force get_dkmlversion_or_default in
let* dkmlmode = Lazy.force get_dkmlmode_or_default in
let* target_abi =
Rresult.R.error_to_msg ~pp_error:Fmt.string
(Dkml_c_probe.C_abi.V2.get_abi_name ())
let cache_keys = [ dkmlversion ] in
(* FIRST, set DKML_TARGET_ABI, which may be overridden by DKML_TARGET_PLATFORM_OVERRIDE *)
let target_abi =
OS.Env.opt_var "DKML_TARGET_PLATFORM_OVERRIDE" ~absent:target_abi
let* () =
if minimize_sideeffects then Ok ()
if has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process then Ok ()
else OS.Env.set_var "DKML_TARGET_ABI" (Some target_abi)
let cache_keys = target_abi :: cache_keys in
Expand All @@ -570,11 +574,12 @@ let main_with_result () =
let* () =
match dkmlmode with
| Nativecode -> set_msys2_entries ~minimize_sideeffects target_abi
| Nativecode ->
set_msys2_entries ~has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process target_abi
| Bytecode -> Ok ()
let* () =
if minimize_sideeffects then Ok ()
if has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process then Ok ()
(* THIRD, set temporary variables *)
set_tempvar_entries cache_keys >>= fun cache_keys ->
Expand All @@ -594,9 +599,12 @@ let main_with_result () =
(* SEVENTH, Create a command line like `...\usr\bin\env.exe CMD [ARGS...]`.
More environment entries can be made, but this is at the end where
there is no need to cache the environment. *)
let* cmd = Cmdline.create_and_setenv_if_necessary () in
let* cmd =
Cmdline.create_and_setenv_if_necessary ~has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process
let* () =
if minimize_sideeffects then Ok ()
if has_dkml_mutating_ancestor_process then Ok ()
(* EIGHTH, stop tracing variables from propagating. *)
let* () = OS.Env.set_var "DKML_BUILD_TRACE" None in
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