- Can Word2Vec Describe Art-Historical Categories?
- Abusing Word2Vec, Part II
- Calculating Error Rates: The Curator
version mean stddev epochs size sg train time vocab labeled topn
1.8.2 0.731169 0.400759 10 100 1 1337s 1011 415 2
1.9.2 0.757323 0.381546 8 100 0 895s 1011 415 2
1.8.1 0.777375 0.311037 10 100 1 1337s 1011 415 5
2.2.0 0.777560 0.348724 4 100 1 4699s 4481 1065 5
2.1.0 0.784135 0.327790 10 100 0 8509s 4481 1065 5
1.9.1 0.790879 0.303636 8 100 0 895s 1011 415 5
2.0.0 0.793170 0.323632 4 100 0 3559s 4481 1065 5
3.1.0 0.797092 0.275271 10 100 0 45s 866 1065 5
1.9 0.801539 0.251177 8 100 0 895s 1011 415 10
1.6 0.802802 0.246046 5 100 0 556s 1011 415 10
1.7 0.803727 0.270047 5 100 1 687s 1011 415 10
1.5 0.804970 0.276699 6 100 1 882s 1011 415 10
3.0.0 0.805366 0.261353 4 100 0 19s 866 1065 5
1.8 0.808020 0.267684 10 100 1 1337s 1011 415 10
1.4 0.811572 0.245559 6 100 0 687s 1011 415 10
1.2 0.817391 0.274402 3 100 1 435s 1011 415 10
1.3 0.817779 0.232192 3 100 0 347s 1011 415 10
1.1 0.828783 0.233289 1 100 0 118s 1011 415 10
1.0 0.833424 0.258153 1 100 1 151s 1011 415 10
1.10 0.845832 0.215527 1 10 0 112s 1011 415 10
Labeled and unlabled terms from the MoMA dataset.
Labeled and unlabled terms from the MoMA and DOME datasets.
Only labled terms from the MoMA and DOME datasets.
# Create or load an existing version.
# Versions follow the format `<dataset>.<iteration>.<variation>`.
>>> pipe = Pipeline('9.0.0')
# The current state
>>> pipe.get_state()
<class 'import_exhibitions.ImportExhibitions'>
# Get the version configurations
>>> pipe.version.config
{'combinations_r': 5,
'epochs': 5,
'min_count': 1,
'pos': 0,
'sg': 1,
'size': 100,
'states': ['ImportExhibitions',
'topn': 5,
'train_dir': 'data/train-9',
'version': '9.0.0',
'version_dir': 'data/versions/9.0.0',
'workers': 5}
# Update the version configurations
>>> pipe.version.update_config(
('workers', 6),
('size', 200),
('sg', 0))
# Execute the current state and proceed to the next.
>>> pipe.proceed()