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forked from octoblu/meshblu

Machine-to-machine instant messaging platform for the internet of things #IoT


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Visit for up-to-the-latest documentation and screencasts.



SkyNet is an open source machine-to-machine instant messaging network and API. Our API supports both HTTP REST and realtime Web Sockets via RPC (remote procedure calls). We also bridge MQTT communications across our HTTP and Web Socket device channels.

SkyNet auto-assigns 36 character UUIDs and secret tokens to each registered device connected to the network. These device credentials are used to authenticate with SkyNet and maintain your device's JSON description in our device directory.

SkyNet allows you to query devices such as drones, hue light bulbs, weemos, arduinos, and server nodes that meet your criteria and send IM messages to 1 or all devices.

SkyNet includes a Node.JS NPM module called SkyNet and a skynet.js file for simplifying Node.JS and mobile/client-side connectivity to SkyNet.

You can also subscribe to messages being sent to/from devices and their sensor activities.


GigaOm - Listen to Stacey Higginbotham from GigaOm interview Chris Matthieu, the founder of SkyNet, about our capabilities, uses, and future direction.

Wired - ‘Yes, I’m trying to build SkyNet from Terminator.’

LeapMotion - Developer newsletter covers flying drones connected to SkyNet with LeapMotion sensor!


  • Phase 1 - Build a network and realtime API for enabling machine-to-machine communications.
  • Phase 2 - Connect all of the thingz.
  • Phase 3 - Become self-aware!


Clone the git repository, then:

$ npm install
$ cp config.js.sample config.js

Modify config.js with your MongoDB connection string. If you have MongoDB running locally use:


You must also modify config.js with your Redis connection information. If you have Redis running locally use:

redisHost: "",
redisPort: "6379"

Start the server use:

$ node server.js

Installing with Docker

The default Dockerfile will run Skynet, MongoDB and Redis in a single container to make quick experiments easier.

You'll need docker installed, then to build the Skynet image:

From the directory where the Dockerfile resides run.

# docker build -t=skynet .

To run a fully self contained instance using the source bundled in the container.

# docker run -i -t -p 3000 skynet

This will run skynet and expose port 3000 from the container on a random host port that you can find by running docker ps.

If you want to do development and run without rebuilding the image you can bind mount your source directory including node_modules onto the container. This example also binds a directory to hold the log of stdout & stderr from the Skynet node process.

# docker run -d -p 3000 --name=skynet_dev -v /path/to/your/skynet:/var/www -v /path/to/your/logs:/var/log/skynet skynet

If you change the code restarting the container is as easy as:

# docker restart skynet_dev


GET /status

Returns the current status of the Skynet network

curl http://localhost:3000/status

=> {"skynet":"online","timestamp":1380480777750,"eventCode":200}

GET /devices

Returns an array of all devices available to you on Skynet. Notice you can query against custom properties i.e. all drones or light switches and online/offline etc.

curl http://localhost:3000/devices

curl http://localhost:3000/devices?key=123

curl http://localhost:3000/devices?online=true

curl http://localhost:3000/devices?key=123&online=true

=> ["ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b","2f3113d0-2796-11e3-95ef-e3081976e170","9c62a150-29f6-11e3-89e7-c741cd5bd6dd","f828ef20-29f7-11e3-9604-b360d462c699","d896f9f0-29fb-11e3-a27c-614201ddde6e"]

GET /devices/uuid

Returns all information on a given device by its UUID

curl http://localhost:3000/devices/01404680-2539-11e3-b45a-d3519872df26

=> {"_id":"5241d9140345450000000001","channel":"main","deviceDescription":"this is a test","deviceName":"hackboard","key":"123","online":true,"socketId":"pG5UAhaZa_xXlvrItvTd","timestamp":1380340661522,"uuid":"ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b"}b

POST /devices

Registers a device on the Skynet network. You can add as many properties to the device object as desired. Skynet returns a device UUID and token which needs to be used with future updates to the device object

Note: You can pass in a token parameter to overide skynet issuing you one

curl -X POST -d "name=arduino&description=this+is+a+test" http://localhost:3000/devices

curl -X POST -d "name=arduino&token=123" http://localhost:3000/devices

=> {"name":"arduino","description":"this is a test","uuid":"8220cff0-2939-11e3-88cd-0b8e5fdfd7d4","timestamp":1380481272431,"token":"1yw0nfc54okcsor2tfqqsuvnrcf2yb9","online":false,"_id":"524878f8cc12f0877f000003"}

PUT /devices/uuid

Updates a device object. Token is required for security.

curl -X PUT -d "token=123&online=true" http://localhost:3000/devices/01404680-2539-11e3-b45a-d3519872df26

=> {"uuid":"8220cff0-2939-11e3-88cd-0b8e5fdfd7d4","timestamp":1380481439002,"online":true}

DELETE /devices/uuid

Unregisters a device on the Skynet network. Token is required for security.

curl -X DELETE -d "token=123" http://localhost:3000/devices/01404680-2539-11e3-b45a-d3519872df26

=> {"uuid":"8220cff0-2939-11e3-88cd-0b8e5fdfd7d4","timestamp":1380481567799}

GET /mydevices/uuid

Returns all information (including tokens) of all devices or nodes belonging to a user's UUID (identified as "owner")

curl -X GET

=> {"devices":[{"owner":"0d1234a0-1234-11e3-b09c-1234e847b2cc","name":"SMS","phoneNumber":"16025551234","uuid":"1c1234e1-xxxx-11e3-1234-671234c01234","timestamp":1390861609070,"token":"1234eg1234zz1tt1234w0op12346bt9","channel":"main","online":false,"_id":"52e6d1234980420c4a0001db"}}]}

POST /messages

Sends a JSON message to all devices or an array of devices or a specific device on the Skynet network.

curl -X POST -d '{"devices": "all", "message": {"yellow":"off"}}' http://localhost:3000/messages

curl -X POST -d '{"devices": ["ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b","2f3113d0-2796-11e3-95ef-e3081976e170"], "message": {"yellow":"off"}}' http://localhost:3000/messages

curl -X POST -d '{"devices": "ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b", "message": {"yellow":"off"}}' http://localhost:3000/messages

=> {"devices":"ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b","message":{"yellow":"off"},"timestamp":1380930482043,"eventCode":300}

GET /events/uuid?token=token

Returns last 10 events related to a specific device or node

curl -X GET

=> {"events":[{"uuid":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","socketid":"lnHHS06ijWUXEzb01ZRy","timestamp":1382632438785,"eventCode":101,"_id":"52694bf6ad11379eec00003f"},{"uuid":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","socketid":"BuwnWQ_oLmpk5R3m1ZRv","timestamp":1382561240563,"eventCode":101,"_id":"526835d8ad11379eec000017"}]}

GET /subscribe/uuid?token=token

This is a streaming API that returns device/node mesages as they are sent and received. Notice the comma at the end of the response. SkyNet doesn't close the stream.

curl -X GET

=> [{"devices":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","message":{"red":"on"},"timestamp":1388768270795,"eventCode":300,"_id":"52c6ec0e4f67671e44000001"},{"devices":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","message":{"red":"on"},"timestamp":1388768277473,"eventCode":300,"_id":"52c6ec154f67671e44000002"},

GET /authenticate/uuid?token=token

Returns UUID and authticate: true or false based on the validity of uuid/token credentials

curl -X GET

=> {"uuid":"81246e80-29fd-11e3-9468-e5f892df566b","authentication":true} OR {"uuid":"81246e80-29fd-11e3-9468-e5f892df566b","authentication":false}

GET /ipaddress

Returns the public IP address of the request. This is useful when working with the SkyNet Gateway behind a firewall.

curl -X GET

=> {"ipAddress":""}

POST /data/uuid

Stores your device's sensor data to SkyNet

curl -X POST -d "token=123&temperature=78"

=> {"timestamp":"2014-03-25T16:38:48.148Z","uuid":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","temperature":"30","ipAddress":"","eventCode":700,"_id":"5331b118512c974805000002"}

GET /data/uuid

Retrieves your device's sensor data to SkyNet

curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/data/0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc?token=123

=> {"data":[{"timestamp":"2014-03-25T16:38:48.148Z","uuid":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","temperature":"30","ipAddress":"","id":"5331b118512c974805000001"},{"timestamp":"2014-03-23T18:57:16.093Z","uuid":"0d3a53a0-2a0b-11e3-b09c-ff4de847b2cc","temperature":"78","ipAddress":"","id":"532f2e8c9c23809e93000001"}]}


Request and receive system status

socket.emit('status', function (data) {

Request and receive an array of devices matching a specific criteria

socket.emit('devices', {"key":"123"}, function (data) {

Request and receive information about a specific device

socket.emit('whoami', {"uuid":"ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b"}, function (data) {

Request and receive a device registration

socket.emit('register', {"key":"123"}, function (data) {

Request and receive a device update

socket.emit('update', {"uuid":"ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b", "token": "zh4p7as90pt1q0k98fzvwmc9rmjkyb9", "key":"777"}, function (data) {

Request and receive a device unregistration

socket.emit('unregister', {"uuid":"b5535950-29fd-11e3-9113-0bd381f0b5ef", "token": "2ls40jx80s9bpgb9w2g0vi2li72v5cdi"}, function (data) {

Store sensor data for a device uuid

socket.emit('data', {"uuid":"b5535950-29fd-11e3-9113-0bd381f0b5ef", "token": "2ls40jx80s9bpgb9w2g0vi2li72v5cdi", "temperature": 55}, function (data) {

Request and receive a message broadcast

// sending message to all devices
socket.emit('message', {"devices": "all", "message": {"yellow":"on"}});

// sending message to a specific devices
socket.emit('message', {"devices": "b5535950-29fd-11e3-9113-0bd381f0b5ef", "message": {"yellow":"on"}});

// sending message to an array of devices
socket.emit('message', {"devices": ["b5535950-29fd-11e3-9113-0bd381f0b5ef", "ad698900-2546-11e3-87fb-c560cb0ca47b"], "message": {"yellow":"on"}});

Websocket API commands include: status, register, unregister, update, whoami, devices, subscribe, unsubscribe, authenticate, and message. You can send a message to a specific UUID or an array of UUIDs or all nodes on SkyNet.

Event Codes

  • 100 = Web socket connected
  • 101 = Web socket identification
  • 102 = Authenticate
  • 200 = System status API call
  • 201 = Get events
  • 202 =
  • 203 =
  • 204 = Subscribe
  • 205 = Unsubscribe
  • 300 = Incoming message
  • 301 = Incoming SMS message
  • 302 = Outgoung SMS message
  • 400 = Register device
  • 401 = Update device
  • 402 = Delete device
  • 403 = Query devices
  • 500 = WhoAmI
  • 600 = Gateway Config API call
  • 700 = Write sensor data




SkyNet.IM Commercial License for OEMs, ISVs and VARs

Octoblu, inc. provides its SkyNet.IM Internet of Things (IoT) realtime network and API platform under a dual license model designed to meet the development and distribution needs of both commercial distributors (such as OEMs, ISVs and VARs) and open source projects.

For OEMs, ISVs, VARs and Other Distributors of Commercial Applications:

OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), ISVs (Independent Software Vendors), VARs (Value Added Resellers) and other distributors that combine and distribute commercially licensed software with SkyNet.IM software and do not wish to distribute the source code for the commercially licensed software under version 2 of the GNU General Public License (the "GPL") must enter into a commercial license agreement with Octoblu, inc.

For Open Source Projects and Other Developers of Open Source Applications:

For developers of Free Open Source Software ("FOSS") applications under the GPL that want to combine and distribute those FOSS applications with SkyNet.IM software, Octoblu, inc.'s SkyNet.IM open source software licensed under the GPL is the best option.

For developers and distributors of open source software under a FOSS license other than the GPL, Octoblu, inc. makes its GPL-licensed platform available under a FOSS Exception that enables use of SkyNet.IM under certain conditions without causing the entire derivative work to be subject to the GPL.

For more information, please contact [email protected].


Machine-to-machine instant messaging platform for the internet of things #IoT







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