This module presents a simple high-level API for using telehash. It is still in development and not stable yet, but issues and pull requests are welcome.
Telehash apps always need one or more seeds to bootstrap from, the default development testing ones are in seeds.json. You can run your own seed via npm start
or manually via node seed/seed.js
Take the output JSON, put it in an array and in your own seeds.json file, then load it with .addSeeds("./seeds.json")
There is a field test command line utility included to explore the DHT and connect to other hashnames, just run node fieldtest/tft.js
In all of these examples, the th
object is created via var th = require("telehash");
th.genkey(function(err, key){
if(err) return console.log("key generation failed",err);
// key contains a .public and .private of the PEM-encoded RSA-2048 public and private values
Needs a key object containing a .public and .private (generated above) to create our own hashname:
var app = th.hashname(key);
console.log("hashname created",app.hashname);
app.addSeeds("./seeds.json"); // optional, uses bundled seeds otherwise{
if(err) return console.log("hashname failed to come online");
The .online
takes a callback that is fired when the hashname is able to connect to any seeds and become part of the DHT or fails to do so.
app.listen("chat", function(end, arg, chan, callback){
// end is `true` when the incoming channel is ended
// arg.js contains the incoming json, arg.body any binary body
// chan is the channel interface
// callback() must be called when done to continue
app.whois("hashname").start("type", argOut, function(end, argIn, chan, callback){
// same as listening, except argOut contains an optional .js and .body to be sent in the initial channel request
To package the library run
npm run build
To try it out in any browser, put these files on any web server and load fieldtest/index.html, or even from your local filesystem via file:///path-to-thjs/fieldtest/index.html.
The crypto that powers this is only possible thanks to the incredible work done by the team behind Forge and Tom Wu.