Shim for mocking Graphite instance through ElasticSearch, for Grafana.
for help on installing this script.
Or you could just build the Dockerfile included here and fire the container.
Instructions for building and starting the container, are included in the Dockerfile.
Before that, make sure you have copied conf/
and edited the params as required. Help on editing those
parameters is given under INSTALL-NOTES
- Make sure you supply the params to config.js in grafana accordingly. Refer below:
// Graphite & Elasticsearch example setup
datasources: {
graphite: {
type: 'graphite',
url: "<URL of shim>",
timezone: 'Asia/Kolkata',
elasticsearch: {
type: 'elasticsearch',
url: "<ES Instance where dashboard metadata is to be stored>",
index: 'grafana-dash',
grafanaDB: true,
The timezone
option under datasources.graphite
has to be mentioned
in case the timezone offsets differ. This normally has to be same as the
one mentioned under
(change this line: TIME_ZONE
= '')
To run this in development mode, just like any other django project would be executed.
$ python runserver
Or, you might deploy this on a production server. For this, refer to the sample apache based deployment help guide included within the source code, in a file called INSTALL-NOTES and sample apache config under conf/graphite_shim.conf.example
Following that, on homepage, you will see some sample links.
There are two categories of the shim API, as follows:
- Render Query Type: Here, the metric_path is a DOT (.) separated path (similar to graphite) that specifies the path of the query metrics, as per the hierarchy. This may be:
..where metric_path is:
metric1.sub_metric1.sub_sub_metric1. <and so on>
fields specify the time durations between which the query is to be performed. -
ensures the response is JSON formatted. -
Please note, for demonstration purposes, a sample query has been provided in the homepage HTML file. The params provided to it, come from within the file under
. You could modify the query path and epoch intervals accordingly.
- Metric Search Query Type: Here, when * is given, all the parent nodes in the metric path hierarchy are displayed as a result, along with information like, whether its a leaf node or not.
- Format:
Refer to the file 'LICENSE'.