This is a collection of hacks for the video game Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning written and to be used with Cheat Engine.
- Reduce experience gain from all source by 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%.
There are two ways to use these hacks, either by loading the scripts into Cheat Engine, or by running a compiled executable trainer.
- Download, install, and run Cheat Engine
- Launch KoA:R
- In Cheat Engine, click "File -> Open Process", and select "Reckoning.exe"
- Click the "Memory view" button to open the Memory Viewer
- From Memory Viewer, click "Tools -> Auto Assemble"
- Click "File -> Open" and select a
script from this project - Make modifications to the script if necessary
- From the Auto assemble's "File" menu, select "Assign to current cheat table"
- Save the project from Cheat Engine's main window
- Toggle the script on/off using the cheat table on Cheat Engine's main screen
- Download the trainer from releases
- Extract the archive and run the trainer
- Use the hotkeys shown in the trainer to toggle each feature