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Maskify is a lightweight library for masking sensitive data using Span<T> for optimal performance. It supports Brazilian documents like CPF and CNPJ, as well as email addresses and other data types. Customize the mask character and ensure efficient protection of sensitive information with minimal memory usage.

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Maskify - Sensitive Data Masking Library

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Maskify is a lightweight, efficient, and flexible library designed to help developers securely mask sensitive data, such as Brazilian documents (CPF, CNPJ), emails, credit cards, mobile and residential phone numbers, and more. It provides out-of-the-box masking for common data types and customizable options for other sensitive information, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations like LGPD and GDPR.

Key Features

  • RG Masking: Masks Brazilian RG numbers (7 to 9 digits), keeping only the last two digits visible.
  • CPF Masking: Effortlessly masks CPF numbers, both formatted and unformatted.
  • CNPJ Masking: Supports CNPJ numbers, with or without formatting.
  • Email Masking: Partially hides email addresses while preserving the domain.
  • Credit Card Masking: Safely masks credit card numbers, including support for:
    • Standard 16-digit cards.
    • American Express (15 digits).
    • Diners Club (14 digits).
  • Mobile Phone Masking: Masks Brazilian mobile phone numbers (9 digits), keeping the area code (DDD) and the last 4 digits visible.
  • Residential Phone Masking: Masks landline phone numbers (8 digits), with the area code (DDD) and the last 4 digits visible.
  • Generic Masking Method: Enables masking of any sensitive data (e.g., custom fields) with full control over visible characters and the masking character.
  • Customizable Masking: Allows specifying the number of visible characters and choosing the masking character (e.g., *, #).
  • License Plate Masking: Masks Brazilian license plates (old and Mercosul formats).


Install Maskify via NuGet Package Manager:

dotnet add package Maskify.Core

For more details, visit the NuGet page.

Usage Guide

1. Mask CPF

Easily mask Brazilian CPF numbers, whether formatted or not:

using Maskify.Core;

string cpf = "123.456.789-10";
string maskedCpf = Masker.MaskCPF(cpf);
Console.WriteLine(maskedCpf); // Output: ***.***.***-10

2. Mask RG

Mask Brazilian RG numbers (7 to 9 digits), formatted or unformatted:

using Maskify.Core;

// RG formatado
string rgFormatted = "46.546.987-3";
string maskedRgFormatted = Masker.MaskRG(rgFormatted);
Console.WriteLine(maskedRgFormatted); // Output: **.***.***-3

// RG não formatado
string rgUnformatted = "465469873";
string maskedRgUnformatted = Masker.MaskRG(rgUnformatted);
Console.WriteLine(maskedRgUnformatted); // Output: *******3

// RG com 7 dígitos
string rgShort = "1234567";
string maskedRgShort = Masker.MaskRG(rgShort);
Console.WriteLine(maskedRgShort); // Output: *****67

3. Mask CNPJ

Mask CNPJ numbers with support for formatted and unformatted inputs:

using Maskify.Core;

string cnpj = "12.345.678/0001-99";
string maskedCnpj = Masker.MaskCNPJ(cnpj);
Console.WriteLine(maskedCnpj); // Output: **.***.***/0001-99

4. Mask Email

Hide part of the email address while preserving the domain:

using Maskify.Core;

string email = "[email protected]";
string maskedEmail = Masker.MaskEmail(email);
Console.WriteLine(maskedEmail); // Output: use****

5. Mask Credit Cards

Supports masking of credit card numbers (standard, Amex, and Diners Club):

using Maskify.Core;

// Masking a standard 16-digit card
string maskedCreditCard = "1234 5678 9012 3456".MaskCreditCard();
Console.WriteLine(maskedCreditCard); // Output: "**** **** **** 3456"

// Masking an American Express card (15 digits)
string maskedAmex = "3782 822463 10005".MaskCreditCard('#');
Console.WriteLine(maskedAmex); // Output: "#### ###### #0005"

// Masking a Diners Club card (14 digits)
string maskedDinersClub = "3056 9304 5567 89".MaskCreditCard();
Console.WriteLine(maskedDinersClub); // Output: "**** **** **67 89"

6. Mask Mobile Phone

Mask Brazilian mobile phone numbers (9 digits) while keeping the DDD and the last 4 digits visible:

using Maskify.Core;

string mobilePhone = "(11) 91234-5678";
string maskedMobilePhone = mobilePhone.MaskMobilePhone();
Console.WriteLine(maskedMobilePhone); // Output: (11) 9****-5678

7. Mask Residential Phone

Mask Brazilian landline phone numbers (8 digits), maintaining the DDD and the last 4 digits visible:

using Maskify.Core;

string residentialPhone = "(11) 2345-6789";
string maskedResidentialPhone = residentialPhone.MaskResidentialPhone();
Console.WriteLine(maskedResidentialPhone); // Output: (11) ****-6789

8. Mask Custom Data

Use the generic method to mask any sensitive data:

using Maskify.Core;

string sensitiveData = "Sensitive Info";
string maskedData = Masker.Mask(sensitiveData, 3, 4, '*');
Console.WriteLine(maskedData); // Output: Sen***********Info


  • startPosition: Number of visible characters at the beginning.
  • length: Number of characters to mask.
  • char: Masking character (e.g., *, #).

9. MaskSensitiveData DataAnnotation

Use DataAnnotations to mask sensitive data directly in your model classes, such as CPF, CNPJ, credit card numbers, emails, and phone numbers:

using Maskify.Core.Annotations;

public class Customer
    [MaskSensitiveData(MaskSensitiveDataAttribute.DataType.RG, MaskCharacter = '*', ErrorMessage = "Invalid RG.")]
    public string RG { get; set; }

    [MaskSensitiveData(MaskSensitiveDataAttribute.DataType.CPF, MaskCharacter = '#', ErrorMessage = "Invalid CPF.")]
    public string CPF { get; set; }

    [MaskSensitiveData(MaskSensitiveDataAttribute.DataType.CNPJ, MaskCharacter = '*', ErrorMessage = "Invalid CNPJ.")]
    public string CNPJ { get; set; }

    [MaskSensitiveData(MaskSensitiveDataAttribute.DataType.CreditCard, MaskCharacter = '*', ErrorMessage = "Invalid credit card.")]
    public string CreditCard { get; set; }

    [MaskSensitiveData(MaskSensitiveDataAttribute.DataType.Email, MaskCharacter = '*', ErrorMessage = "Invalid email.")]
    public string Email { get; set; }

    [MaskSensitiveData(MaskSensitiveDataAttribute.DataType.ResidentialPhone, MaskCharacter = '*', ErrorMessage = "Invalid phone number.")]
    public string ResidentialPhone { get; set; }

    [MaskSensitiveData(MaskSensitiveDataAttribute.DataType.MobilePhone, MaskCharacter = '*', ErrorMessage = "Invalid mobile number.")]
    public string MobilePhone { get; set; }

    [MaskSensitiveData(MaskSensitiveDataAttribute.DataType.VehicleLicensePlate, MaskCharacter = '#', ErrorMessage = "Invalid vehicle license plate.")]
    public string VehicleLicensePlate { get; set; }


10. Mask License Plate

Mask Brazilian license plates (old and Mercosul formats), showing only the first 3 characters:

using Maskify.Core;

string licensePlate = "BRA2E19";
string maskedLicensePlate = Masker.MaskLicensePlate(licensePlate);
Console.WriteLine(maskedLicensePlate); // Output: BRA****

Custom Masking Rules

Create custom masking rules with the MaskSensitiveData attribute, specifying the number of visible characters and the masking character.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on our GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Maskify is a lightweight library for masking sensitive data using Span<T> for optimal performance. It supports Brazilian documents like CPF and CNPJ, as well as email addresses and other data types. Customize the mask character and ensure efficient protection of sensitive information with minimal memory usage.


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