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David Thorpe edited this page Jan 15, 2015 · 7 revisions




The PGConnectionWindowController class is a window controller which provides sheet dialogs which can be used to enter login credentials for Postgresql servers. It also provides the following facilities:

  • Ability to set username, database name, host
  • Ability to set the port for the server
  • Insist on SSL communication with the remote server
  • Ability to enter credentials as a URL
  • Status light on the login window which goes green when connection to the remote server has been established, before authentication
  • Ability to retrieve an existing password from the keychain
  • Ability to enter password and save it in the users' keychain
  • Connection to the remote server in the background, allowing your user interface to remain responsive


Here is a screenshot of the connection window:

PGConnectionWindow screenshot

As the user enters the information, the remote server is "pinged" in the background to see if these parameters would work for login. The status light next to the OK button turns green when the parameters entered are correct, and the button is enabled. When the status light is red, indicating invalid parameters, the button is disabled.

There are other dialog windows which can be displayed. They are for entering URL's instead of parameters, for entering passwords and reporting connection errors. The Cancel button can be pressed in any one of these windows to indicate the connection flow should not continue.

Using the class

In order to use the class, you need to retain an instantiated object within your application controller class. For example, your init method might look like this:

@implementation AppDelegate
-(id)init {
	self = [super init];
	if(self) {
		_connection = [PGConnectionWindowController new];
		[_connection setDelegate:self];
	return self;

The PGConnection object is exposed through the connection property. For example, if the connection is yet to be connected, your login method might look like this:

-(void)loginWithWindow:(NSWindow* )window {
	if([_connection connection] status]==PGConnectionStatusDisconnected) {
		// begin sheet to login
		[[self connection] beginSheetForParentWindow:window contextInfo:nil];

Here, window is the main window of your application, and a sheet will appear which allows the user to enter their credentials. You need to implement the delegate method connectionWindow:status: in order to receive the status from the login window completion:

  • PGConnectionWindowStatusOK will be returned when the user presses the OK button, and the parameters that the user has entered are correct. In this case, execution can then continue with a call to connect.
  • PGConnectionWindowStatusBadParameters will be returned when the parameters that the user have entered are incorrect and connection cannot continue.
  • PGConnectionWindowStatusCancel will be returned when the user has pressed the Cancel button.

There are other states which are returned after a call to the connect method:

  • PGConnectionWindowStatusNeedsPassword will be returned when the login cannot continue until a password is entered. In this case, you should call the method beginPasswordSheetForParentWindow: which will display a password on-screen.
  • PGConnectionWindowStatusConnectionError will be returned if the connection is rejected.
  • PGConnectionWindowStatusCancel will be returned if the user clicks on the Cancel button.
  • PGConnectionWindowStatusConnected will be returned if the connection is established. At this point your application can continue with processing.

If you want to disconnect from the remote server, you can call the disconnect method. Here is an example of how you might want to implement the connectionWindow:status method:



The PGSplitViewController is a vertical split view class with a status bar at the bottom of the view. You can independently set the left-hand custom view and the right-hand custom view.



How to use the class

The class is an NSViewController class, so to embed it in your own view you can implement the following code:

@implementation AppDelegate (SplitView)

-(void)addSplitViewWithLeftView:(id)leftView rightView:(id)rightView {
	NSView* contentView = [[self window] contentView];
	PGSplitViewController* splitView = [PGSplitViewController new];

	// set up content view and constraints
	[contentView addSubview:splitView];
	[splitView setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO];
	NSDictionary *views = NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(splitView);
	[contentView addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"H:|[splitView]|" options:0 metrics:nil views:views]];
	[contentView addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"V:|[splitView]|" options:0 metrics:nil views:views]];
	// add left and right views
	[[self splitView] setLeftView:leftView];
	[[self splitView] setRightView:rightView];



The PGSourceViewController is an implementation of NSOutlineView which is focussed on implementing a structure suitable as source view suitable for data structures which can contain Postgresql connection and query information.



How to use the class


The PGConsoleViewController is an implementation of a green-screen style console, which allows for output, command-line input, storing history, copy, paste and editing.



How to use the class



