Background: This was a project meant for personal use, but
This exporter has been tested on fresh install of Rocky 9.
Python Versions Verified: Python 3.9.18
Before getting started you should collect some information and have it ready. You'll be asked for it later if using the installer scripts.
- Your username & password for Fusion. Verify that your credentials work by logging into
- All Apex IDs of your Apex devices.
- Once logged into Fusion. Go to to show all your Apex devices.
- Click on the first Apex device. You will notice the URL will change. Copy everything after the last slash. This is the Apex ID. Repeat this process if you have multiple Apex devices. Example if the url becomes then your Apex ID of that device is "etn990l983hcigb9j39sfjtjyhvf9efc"
- Your Apex IP Adress. Easiest way of getting this is to use the Fusion App.
- In the App. Click on the 3 gears icon.
- Click the WiFi icon.
- Scroll down if needed, but look for the IP Address. Note this down.
- Your Neptune Apex username & password. This may be the default, or you could have changed it.
- If its default. The login will be username: admin, password: 1234.
- Verify this works by going to http://your_ip_address_here in your web browser and testing the login.
cd /tmp
tar -xvzf neptune_exporter.beta.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo yum install -y python3-pip
cd /tmp/neptune_exporter
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
chmod 777 *.sh
sudo ./
sudo ./
sudo ./
sudo firewall-cmd --premanent --add-port={9090,3000,5006}/{tcp,udp}
Grafana = http://<hostname/ipaddress>:3000 (Default Login = admin for both user and password)
Prometheus = http://<hostname/ipaddress>:9090 unless you change the port to something else.
Neptune Exporter: http://<hostname/ipaddress>:5006
- Log into Grafana.
- Click the Menu button on the top left.
- Hover over Connections and click on Add New Connection.
- Search for Prometheus and click on it.
- Click the Add New Data Source button on the top right.
- Name it "prometheus" without the quotes.
- Add the Prometheus URL. This should be http://<hostname/ipaddress>:9090 unless you change the port to something else.
- Scroll down and click Save and Test.
If you notice as "server misbehaving" message like the one below
Get .......... tcp: lookup pikachu.local on server misbehaving
Check your "/etc/hosts file."
[me@pikachu ~]$ cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 pikachu.local
You should see 3 lines. If not youll need to add it.
sudo vi /etc/hosts
press insert key
got to bottom of the file. Enter the ip address of the server hosting the Neptune Exporter a space and the hostname.
Configuration File: /etc/neptune_exporter/configuration/fusion.yml
You can add, remove, modify the apex_systems as long as its in Yaml format.
If you add, remove, modify any of the apex_systems (outside of the username/password), you most likely need to update the prometheus.yml file as well.
Sample: fusion.yml
Configuration File: /etc/neptune_exporter/configuration/apex.yml
You can add, remove, modify the apex_auths as long as its in Yaml format.
If you add, remove, modify any of the apex_auths (outside of the username/password), you most likely need to update the prometheus.yml file as well.
Sample: apex.yml
Configuration File: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
Sample: apex.yml