These are just various mini-sites and hacks I've made for my kids. I'm not making any grand educational claims about them, they're just for fun for them to play with and (hopefully) start asking questions about. Please fork, modify, experiment, enjoy, etc.
So far there is:
Super Secret Spy Messager. My oldest daughter got a spy kit for her birthday, which included a card with the alphabet and some blank spaces for her to rewrite it shifted by a few letters -- a Caesar cipher. We are now passing secret messages back and forth with this, but naturally it stands to be automated. :)
Letter Maker. My pre-school youngest daughter is enjoying practising writing letters, but before she learns how to make them she needs a dotted line to follow. These get tedious for us to make by hand, but since she also enjoys typing on the keyboard, now she can make her own.
A Scratch directory. Scratch is a great environment to start playing around with real programming concepts.