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Pure CSS iPad-style Popover Menu jQuery Plug-in

Tested in Firefox 3.6 and Chrome 7.0 only.


  anchorTo : '#sort', // Positions the menu near this element. See ExtJs's alignTo for more details
  pointer : 'north',  // Adds an upward pointing arrow. Use 'south' for a downward facing arrow.
  show : false,       // FALSE to not display the menu upon creation
  width : 250,        // A specific width for the menu. Leave NULL to use the width of the content element (#foo in this case)
  height : 400,       // A specific height for the menu. Leave NULL to use the height of the content element (#foo in this case)
  init : function() { // A callback method to run after the menu has been initialized
    this.find('li:first-child a').addClass('selected');

In order to provide a better user experience, I added an optional dependency on cowboy's jQuery Outside Events plugin. If you have included that plugin in your page and a Popover Menu is visible, any click outside of the ".popover" element will automatically hide the menu.

The plugin has been included in this project as a Git Submodule. If you have never worked with Git Submodules before, check out this excellent tutorial.


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