An extension for Alfred to create iOS Reminders. You'll need Alfred's Powerpack to use this. must to be running, since the extension needs to access it.
- download Reminders.alfredextension
- drag it to Alfred
- done
If no list is specified (see Usage), the extension adds the new Reminder to your default list. The list can be changed by dragging it to the top position:
The extension expands abbreviations of days like tom or tue so you could write:
rem get milk tom at 3pm #private
You can specify a list the reminder is adde to, by adding a pound/number sign followed by the list name at the end of the input. Note: list names are case sensitive.
You can also specify a number of minutes in which the reminder is due. The minutes will be added to the current time. You can specify them using a plus sign followed by the number of minutes.
Here are a couple of examples assuming it's Sunday - July, 29th 9:30am and your default list is called "private"
- rem get milk tom at 3pm
- title: get milk
- remind me: Monday - July, 30th 3pm
- list: private
- rem get milk monday at 3pm #work
- title: get milk
- remind me: Monday - July, 30th 3pm
- list: work
- rem get milk tomorrow at 3pm
- title: get milk
- remind me: Monday - July, 30th 3pm
- list private
- rem get milk sunday at 3pm
- title: get milk
- remind me: Sunday - July, 29th 3pm
- list: private
- rem get milk today at 3pm #work
- title: get milk
- remind me: Sunday - July, 29th 3pm
- list: work
- rem get milk sunday at 7am
- title: get milk
- remind me: Sunday - July, 29th 7am
- already due
- rem get milk +20
- title: get milk
- remind me: Sunday - July, 29th 9:50am
- list: private
- rem get milk +20 #work
- title: get milk
- remind me: Sunday - July, 29th 9:50am
- list: work
Report through issues
The extension supports David Ferguson's awesome Extension Updater, so no need to check on updates here manually.