Simulator !?!? Arduino source codes is compiled and executed as PC applications
Can be used for education, testing and debuging, for working with Comm Ports, Internet, Math ...
Your source codes can work on each Arduino board
OR you can create normal GCC project read this
A few words in the beginning
- Version: 1.0.3 ( very beta - may be bugs yet )
- Windows ( and visual mode )
- Linux - in progress...
- Mac - later
- Raspberry PI is a Linux - this platform can support the board - later
- Please read WIKI
- Tested at Windows 7, 8, 10, Ubuntu Linux
VIDEO: ( DOOM - visual mode )
- Windows - MinGW-32 (GCC)
- How to Install MinGW-32 VIDEO
- Add to PATH C:/MinGW/bin;
- Linux - GCC
- How to Install GCC on Ubuntu Linux VIDEO
- openSSL:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
- openSSL:
- Mac - GCC
brew install gcc
- Optional: gtk4 for graphics:
brew install gtk4
- Optional: gtk4 for graphics:
- Use
in platformio.ini
- Use
First install MinGW-32 or GCC on your PC
PIO Home > Platforms > Advanced Installation
paste link
Manual Install / Reinstall / Remove
- .platformio\platforms\wizio
- .platformio\packages\framework-wizio
- GSM base AT commands
- Sokets, HTTP/HTTPS
- MQTT to the clouds Amazon, Google, Azure, Eclipse
- Ivan Kravets - PlatformIO
- Core Arduino
- Google Cloud Platform
- Amazon AWS
- Microsoft Azure
- Eclipse mosquitto
- openSSL
- Esp32
- RasPiArduino
- Adafruit