(very) Lightweight framework to make Swift's error catching more "flat"
Swift's try-catch model can be messy, especially in terms of scope and for those of us that don't like the extra indent (especially with closures). You might get something like:
do {
let foo = try someFunc(num: arg) { result in
} catch .. {
} catch .. {
// Can't use foo in this scope
This framework simplifies everything to one line. It flattens it.
let (tupleErr, tupleVal) = tryy { try errorFunc(a: 5) }
// Return early for errors
if let err = tupleErr else {
// Use value in same scope
guard let value: String = tupleVal else { return }
let enumResult = tryyWrap { try errorFunc(a: -3) }
// Return early for errors
if let err = enumResult.error else {
// No need to unwrap it if errorFunc(a:) doesn't return an optional
let value: String = enumResult.val
// Optional version
let valueOptional: String = enumResult.value
let enumResult = tryyWrap { try errorFunc(a: -3) }
// From a switch
switch enumResult {
case .value(let value):
case .error(let err):
let enumResult = __ { try errorFunc(a: 5) }
let (tupleErr, tupleVal) = ___ { try errorFunc(a: 5) }
Keep in mind you can only ommit return
and return type on one liners. The block must return the value. In situations like this, the compiler will assume the the return type is Void and you will not end up with a value
// This WILL NOT work
let tupleResultCompletion = tryy {
let a = 4 * 2
try errorFunc(a: a, completion: { (num) -> String in
return "\(num) * 2 = \(num * 2)"
// This WILL work
let tupleResultCompletion = tryy { () -> String? in
let a = 4 * 2
return try errorFunc(a: a, completion: { (num) -> String in
return "\(num) * 2 = \(num * 2)"
These examples will use this code
enum TestError: Error {
case foo
case bar
func errorFunc(a: Int, completion: ((Int)->String)? = nil) throws -> String {
if a > 0 {
return completion?(a) ?? "\(a)"
} else {
throw TestError.foo
do {
let strResult = try errorFunc(a: -4, completion: { (num) -> String in
return "\(num) + 4 = \(num + 4)"
} catch let error as TestError {
switch error {
case .foo:
print("Foo error")
case .bar:
print("Bar error")
// Go-like: Return a tuple of an error and value
let (tupleErr, tupleVal) = tryy { try errorFunc(a: 5) }
// Return early for errors
if let err = tupleErr {
// Use value in same scope
guard let value: String = tupleVal else { return }
// Discard: works like try?
let (_, tupleVal) = tryy { try errorFunc(a: 5) }
// Use value in same scope
guard let value: String = tupleVal else { return }
let tupleResultCompletion = tryy {
try errorFunc(a: 3, completion: { (num) -> String in
return "\(num) * 2 = \(num * 2)"
// Enum switch
let enumResult = tryyWrap { try errorFunc(a: -3) }
switch enumResult {
case .value(let value):
case .error(let err):
// Enum direct
let enumResult = tryyWrap { try errorFunc(a: -3) }
let error = enumResult.error
let valueOpt: String? = enumResult.value
// Enum Go-like: Return an enum of an error and value
let enumResult = tryyWrap { try errorFunc(a: -3) }
// Return early for errors
if let err = enumResult.error else {
// No need to unwrap it if errorFunc(a:) doesn't return an optional
let value: String = enumResult.val
// Optional version
guard let valueUnwrapped = enumResult.value else { return }
// Enum guard: like try?
guard let value = tryyWrap({ try errorFunc(a: -3) }).value else {