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elb 3.3 api parameters

chris grzegorczyk edited this page Dec 20, 2012 · 3 revisions

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API parameters



  * AvailabilityZones.member.N        
    - A list of Availability Zones. 
    - Type: String list
    - Required: no
  * Listeners.member.N
    - A list of the following tuples: LoadBalancerPort, InstancePort, and Protocol.
    - Type: Listener list
    - Required: no
  * LoadBalancerName
    - The name associated with the LoadBalancer. The name must be unique within your set of LoadBalancers.
    - Type: String
    - Required: Yes


  * Scheme
    - The type of a LoadBalancer. This option is only available for LoadBalancers attached to an Amazon VPC.
    - Type: String
    - Required: No
  * SecurityGroups.member.N
    - The security groups assigned to your LoadBalancer within your VPC.
    - Type: String list
    - Required: No
  * Subnets.member.N
    - A list of subnet IDs in your VPC to attach to your LoadBalancer.
    - Type: String list
    - Required: No



  * LoadBalancerName
    - The name associated with the LoadBalancer. 
    - Type: String
    - Required: Yes



  * LoadBalancerNames.member.N
    - A list of names associated with the LoadBalancers at creation time.
    - Type: String list
    - Required: No


  * Marker
    - An optional parameter reserved for future use.
    - Type: String
    - Required: No



  * Instances.member.N
    - A list of EC2 instance IDs consisting of all instances to be deregistered.
    - Type: Instance list
    - Required: Yes
  * LoadBalancerName
    - The name associated with the LoadBalancer. The name must be unique within the client AWS account.
    - Type: String
    - Required: Yes



  * Instances.member.N
    - A list of instance IDs that should be registered with the LoadBalancer.
    - Type: Instance list
    - Required: Yes
  * LoadBalancerName
    - The name associated with the LoadBalancer. The name must be unique within the client AWS account.
    - Type: String
    - Required: Yes



  * Listeners.member.N
    - A list of LoadBalancerPort, InstancePort, Protocol, and SSLCertificateId items.
    - Type: Listener list
    - Required: Yes
  * LoadBalancerName
    - The name of the LoadBalancer.
    - Type: String
    - Required: Yes



  * LoadBalancerName
    - The mnemonic name associated with the LoadBalancer.
    - Type: String
    - Required: Yes
  * LoadBalancerPorts.member.N
    - The client port number(s) of the LoadBalancerListener(s) to be removed.
    - Type: Integer list
    - Required: Yes



  * HealthCheck
    - A structure containing the configuration information for the new healthcheck.
    - Type: HealthCheck
    - Required: Yes
  * LoadBalancerName
    - The mnemonic name associated with the LoadBalancer. This name must be unique within the client AWS account.
    - Type: String
    - Required: Yes



  * Instances.member.N
    - A list of instance IDs whose states are being queried.
    - Type: Instance list
    - Required: No 
  * LoadBalancerName
    - The name associated with the LoadBalancer. The name must be unique within the client AWS account.
    - Type: String
    - Required: Yes 



  - Returns the current state of the instances of the specified LoadBalancer. 
  - If no instances are specified, the state of all the instances for the LoadBalancer is returned.
  - Note: The client must have created the specified input LoadBalancer in order to retrieve this information; the client must provide the same account credentials as those that were used to create the LoadBalancer.

Request Parameters : Will Support :

  • Instances.member.N
  - A list of instance IDs whose states are being queried.
  - Type: Instance list
  - Required: No 
  • LoadBalancerName
  - The name associated with the LoadBalancer. The name must be unique within the client AWS account.
  - Type: String
  - Required: Yes 

Response :

  • DescribeInstanceHealthResult
  - Type: DescribeInstanceHealthResult

Errors :

  • AccessPointNotFound
  - The specified LoadBalancer could not be found.
  - HttpResponseCode: 400
  • InvalidEndPoint
  - The specified EndPoint is not valid.
  - HttpResponseCode: 400


Description :

  - Creates a new policy that contains the necessary attributes depending on the policy type. 
  - Policies are settings that are saved for your Elastic LoadBalancer and that can be applied to the front-end listener, or the back-end application server, depending on your policy type.

Request Parameters : Will Support :

  • LoadBalancerName
  - The name associated with the LoadBalancer for which the policy is being created. This name must be unique within the client AWS account.
  - Type: String
  - Required: Yes 
  • PolicyAttributes.member.N
  - A list of attributes associated with the policy being created.
  - Type: PolicyAttribute list
  - Required: No 
  • PolicyName
  - The name of the LoadBalancer policy being created. The name must be unique within the set of policies for this LoadBalancer.
  - Type: String
  - Required: Yes 
  • PolicyTypeName
  - The name of the base policy type being used to create this policy. To get the list of policy types, use the DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes action.
  - Type: String
  - Required: Yes 

Errors :

  • AccessPointNotFound
  - The specified LoadBalancer could not be found.
  - HttpResponseCode: 400
  • DuplicatePolicyName
  - Policy with the same name exists for this LoadBalancer. Please choose another name.
  - HttpResponseCode: 400
  • InvalidConfigurationRequest
  - Requested configuration change is invalid.
  - HttpResponseCode: 409
  • PolicyTypeNotFound
  - One or more of the specified policy types do not exist.
  - HttpResponseCode: 400
  • TooManyPolicies
  - Quota for number of policies for this LoadBalancer has already been reached.
  - HttpResponseCode: 400


Description :

  - Deletes a policy from the LoadBalancer. The specified policy must not be enabled for any listeners.

Request Parameters : Will Support :

  • LoadBalancerName
  - The mnemonic name associated with the LoadBalancer. The name must be unique within your AWS account.
  - Type: String
  - Required: Yes
  • PolicyName
  - The mnemonic name for the policy being deleted.
  - Type: String
  - Required: Yes

Errors :

  • AccessPointNotFound
  - The specified LoadBalancer could not be found.
  - HttpResponseCode: 400
  • InvalidConfigurationRequest
  - Requested configuration change is invalid.
  - HttpResponseCode: 409


Description :

  - Returns detailed descriptions of the policies.
  - If you specify a LoadBalancer name, the operation returns either the descriptions of the specified policies, or descriptions of all the policies created for the LoadBalancer.
  - If you don't specify a LoadBalancer name, the operation returns descriptions of the specified sample policies, or descriptions of all the sample policies.
  - The names of the sample policies have the ELBSample- prefix.

Request Parameters : Will Support :

  • LoadBalancerName
  - The mnemonic name associated with the LoadBalancer. 
  - If no name is specified, the operation returns the attributes of either all the sample policies pre-defined by Elastic Load Balancing or the specified sample polices.
  - Type: String
  - Required: No
  • PolicyNames.member.N
  - The names of LoadBalancer policies you've created or Elastic Load Balancing sample policy names.
  - Type: String list
  - Required: No

Response :

  • DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesResult
  - Type: DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesResult

Errors :

  • AccessPointNotFound
  - The specified LoadBalancer could not be found.
  - HttpResponseCode: 400
  • PolicyNotFound
  - One or more specified policies were not found.
  - HttpResponseCode: 400

Data Types : "DescribeInstanceHealthResult"

  • InstanceStates
  - A list containing health information for the specified instances.
  - Type: InstanceState list


  • PolicyAttributeDescriptions
  - A list of policy attribute description structures.
  - Type: PolicyAttributeDescription list
  • PolicyName
  - The name mof the policy associated with the LoadBalancer.
  - Type: String
  • PolicyTypeName
  - The name of the policy type associated with the LoadBalancer.
  - Type: String


  • InstanceId
  - Provides an EC2 instance ID.
  - Type: String


  • Description
  - Provides a description of the instance state.
  - Type: String
  • InstanceId
  - Provides an EC2 instance ID.
  - Type: String
  • ReasonCode
  - Provides information about the cause of OutOfService instances. Specifically, it indicates whether the cause is Elastic Load Balancing or the instance behind the LoadBalancer.
  - Type: String
  • State
  - Specifies the current state of the instance. Valid value: InService|OutOfService
  - Type: String


  • AttributeName
  - The name of the attribute associated with the policy.
  - Type: String
  • AttributeValue
  - The value of the attribute associated with the policy.
  - Type: String


  • PolicyAttributeDescriptions
  - A list of policy attribute description structures.
  - Type: PolicyAttributeDescription list
  • PolicyName
  - The name mof the policy associated with the LoadBalancer.
  - Type: String
  • PolicyTypeName
  - The name of the policy type associated with the LoadBalancer.
  - Type: String


  • AttributeName
  - The name of the attribute associated with the policy.
  - Type: String
  • AttributeValue
  - The value of the attribute associated with the policy.
  - Type: String



2nd Step













AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets - VPC

DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets - VPC

ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer - VPC

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