You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 20
Complex input validation is usually done in WPF by implementing IDataErrorInfo. There is also INotifyDataErrorInfo interface available in .NET 4.5 and Silverlight, but I plan to have a separate post on taking advantage of .NET 4.5. For now let's consider we're on .NET 4.0. In addition, to have complete user experience proper visual clues have to be set to display errors.
has to implement IDataErrorInfo
and provide some utility methods. Also, the framework has grown big enough to justify a separate module with utility functions and extensions.
module Extensions =
let inline undefined<'T> = raise<'T> <| NotImplementedException()
type Model() =
static let notifyPropertyChanged = {
new StandardInterceptor() with
member this.PostProceed invocation =
match invocation.Method, invocation.InvocationTarget with
| PropertySetter propertyName, (:? Model as model) ->
model.SetError(propertyName, null)
| _ -> ()
let errors = Dictionary()
interface IDataErrorInfo with
member this.Error = undefined
member this.Item
with get propertyName =
match errors.TryGetValue propertyName with
| true, message -> message
| false, _ -> null
member this.SetError(propertyName, message) =
errors.[propertyName] <- message
this.TriggerPropertyChanged propertyName
member this.HasErrors = errors.Values |> Seq.exists (not << String.IsNullOrEmpty)
The following details may deserve your attention:
- seems to me cleaner than widely-accepted ...raise(new NotImplementedException())
.... Inspired by Haskell function. -
implementation changed to clean up error info on property change. The way it's done is a bit awkward because of the strange nature ofIDataErrorInfo
: to set/remove errorPropertyChanged
should be raised first. Introduction ofINotifyDataErrorInfo
will make the code cleaner.
Another small change we must perform is setting ValidatesOnDataErrors
in data binding module:
type Expr with
member this.ToBindingExpr() =
let target : FrameworkElement = (view, [||]) |> window.GetValue |> control.GetValue |> unbox
let binding = Binding(path, ValidatesOnDataErrors = true)
target.SetBinding(targetProperty.DependencyProperty, binding)
The deficiency of the current implementation is that SetError
takes the property name as a string and therefore is not subject to compiler type checks and tooling support. The best way to address this is to use F# quotations. Introducing statically typed version of set error and some supportive types/functions below:
module FSharp.Windows.Validation
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns
type PropertySelector<'T, 'a> = Expr<('T -> 'a)>
let (|SingleStepPropertySelector|) (expr : PropertySelector<'T, 'a>) =
match expr with
| Lambda(arg, PropertyGet( Some (Var selectOn), property, [])) ->
assert(arg.Name = selectOn.Name)
property.Name, fun(this : 'T) -> property.GetValue(this, [||]) |> unbox<'a>
| _ -> invalidArg "Property selector quotation" (string expr)
let inline setError (SingleStepPropertySelector(propertyName, _) : PropertySelector< ^Model, _>) message model =
(^Model : (member SetError : string * string -> unit) (model, propertyName, message))
Let's go step by step through the snippet:
is a type alias for quotations like<@ fun model -> model.Property @>
is an active pattern that ensures quotation conforms to the shape mentioned above and extracts two things: property name and getter function. - breaking down
: - First parameter of quotation type is deconstructed in place extracting only property name. This technique is similar to Pattern matching function.
- Member constraints are placed on Model type. This is a reason for inlining and hat-notation on model type. The technique is a bit esoteric, you can find more examples here.
- This is done not for the sake of trying a cool feature. Considering variety of ways Model can be implemented (hand-written, Castle dynamic proxy, linfu dynamic proxy, IOC proxy, Notify Property Weaver, code-gen, etc.) it places a very lightweight constraint on the use of the
module: only to have methodSetError
of type:string * string -> unit
Now it’s time for a usage example. If we want to display error whenever user tries to divide by zero in our sample calculator, the following code can appear in controller:
member this.Calculate model =
match model.SelectedOperation with
| Divide ->
if model.Y = 0
model |> Validation.setError <@ fun m -> m.Y @> "Attempted to divide by zero."
model.Result <- model.X / model.Y
Visually user will see this picture when trying division by zero Y
Some other useful validation functions:
let inline clearError expr = setError expr null
let inline invalidIf (SingleStepPropertySelector(_, getValue) as property) predicate message model =
if model |> getValue |> predicate then setError property message model
let inline assertThat expr predicate = invalidIf expr (not << predicate)
let inline objectRequired expr = invalidIf expr ((=) null) "Required field."
let inline valueRequired expr = assertThat expr (fun(x : Nullable<_>) -> x.HasValue) "Required field."
let inline textRequired expr = invalidIf expr String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace "Required field."
Function like clearError
is built by means of partial application - one of the key composition tools of functional languages.
I would like to show another cool trick. Let's say we want to enforce second argument for addition and subtraction to always be a positive number.
Below is SampleController
's code snippet.
member this.Calculate model =
match model.SelectedOperation with
| Add ->
model |> Validation.positive <@ fun m -> m.Y @>
if not model.HasErrors
model.Result <- model.X + model.Y
| Subtract ->
model |> Validation.positive <@ fun m -> m.Y @>
if not model.HasErrors
model.Result <- model.X - model.Y
A sensible implementation can look like:
let inline positive expr = assertThat expr (fun x -> x > 0) "Must be positive number."
Type signature inferred by compiler is:
meaning this function is only suitable to work with int numbers.
Wouldn't it be nice to have the same function to work with other kind of numbers: floats, decimals, etc. to avoid code duplication? F# language primitives which are based on "Member constraints" are to the rescue.
module FSharp.Windows.Validation
let inline positive expr = assertThat expr (fun x -> x > LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero) "Must be positive number."
Let's look at the type signature again:
This function can work with any F# built-in numerics because it is based only on two constraints: get_Zero
and comparison
It's worth noting that the module is based on four language features: pattern matching, explicit member constraints, inlining and partial application. None of them are available in C#.
I also added convenient utility method:
module Observable =
let mapTo value = Observable.map(fun _ -> value)
It allows to write more palatable code to map View events:
type SampleView() =
override this.EventStreams =
this.Window.Calculate.Click |> Observable.mapTo Calculate
this.Window.Clear.Click |> Observable.mapTo Clear
I was thinking to call method Observable.const following the established Haskell naming convention, but decided against this for two reasons: const is reserved keyword in F#, and mapTo seems readable.